Chapter 16 [Blood In The Snow]

Start from the beginning

His hand was still outstretched towards them, "Don't go!"


Y/N's body hit the snow-covered ground with a resounding thud. Cracks quickly spread across his entire person as shards were catapulted into the air from the sudden force. One of Y/N's eyes fell out and broke into two, but his hand remained outstretched towards the sky, his expression remained unchanged as well. A look of pure, unadulterated dread as his vision slowly started to fade. The last thing he was able to see were two figures in the distance. Then... blackness. 




Y/N suddenly awoke with a jolt, he quickly looked around and found himself in the infirmary, on a wooden table. His body reeked of the smell of glue, he must have been fixed only recently. His eyes widened as the recent memories started to flood his mind. Y/N could only look down at his hands, they quivered and shook as he stared at them with wide eyes. His psyche was... not in the best state right now as he slowly placed his quivering hands over his face. 

"...Y/N...?" a girl's voice, barely a whisper, calls out to him.

"...Phos?" he calls back as his mint-haired friend shakily enters the room.

The two of them just stare at each other for a few minutes, neither of them being able to use any form of communication. But quite frankly, neither of them had to talk to see that both of them were slowly drowning in an ocean of grief, guilt and sorrow. It was Phosphophyllite who took the first step, but figuratively and literally as she quickly walked to Y/N and wrapped her hands around him, she didn't have to wait long for Y/N to do the same. 

"...I'm sorry..." these were the only two words the two of them said to each other for the entire day.

Phosphophyllite could always count on Y/N's embrace to at least make her feel better, but honestly, right now it was only helping her stay sane, and even then she didn't know how long that would last. It wasn't much different with Y/N, his mind was in a completely different state than Phosphophyllites. While the mint-haired Gem girl was very sympathetic and, in all sense of the word, used to failure, Y/N was not. He still felt for his peers, but he found it hard to truly feel the way they did. And failure was something Y/N didn't even dare say. Yet today felt like his entire mind took a massive blow, and not only his mind but also his heart. Antarcticite was a dear member of a group of people he would dare to call family, and her loss came at a high price. Neither Y/N nor Phosphophyllite could hope to stay the same after today, especially Y/N who after seeing first hand the strange and mysterious nature of Kongo-sensei had a plethora of questions and suspicions that he couldn't ignore forever.



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Braggski: Sorry about the late update boys and... boys, since I doubt any girls are reading this. If you are a girl, uh, why are you here? Anyway! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Antarcticite didn't actually get saved, I mean, we still need some character development you know, and her "death" is too much of a loss to just ignore and change. Also...



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