Chapter 26: The little one

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I looked at the little girl and could already notice the color of her skin darken. I watched her for a bit longer and could notice the wounds on her face closing and the dark colors around them fading away. I heard Alpha Piper gasp as she also noticed her daughter heal before her very eyes. It didn't take much longer for the wounds to finish healing and I commanded the flames to die out. When they left her daughter's skin, Alpha Piper suddenly crashed down beside her daughter, crying happy tears. The sudden weight falling beside her caused Alyssa to jolt slightly, a lot faster compared to the sluggish movement she had when she was unwell.

"Mommy, are you alright?" Alyssa asked her mother, worry in her now strong voice. Alpha Piper sat up and hugged her daughter, still crying.

"You're alright! My baby girl is alright!" she said through her tears. Alyssa seemed to now notice her position and lifted her hand to look at it before her own tears formed in her eyes. She hugged her mother back, the tears falling as she smiled happily. I smiled, tearing up myself, as I decided to give them space. I got up, walked as quietly as I could out the door, and walked away. Hunter turned the corner, noticed the tears in my eyes, and rushed towards me.

"You ok, Si?! Did something happen?!" he said. I chuckled and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"No, nothing bad. Just affected by another's emotions." Anger came from him before I smiled softly.

"In a good way." He widened his eyes then looked away, blushing with embarrassment. I chuckled and kissed his cheek and when I backed up, I noticed his tail wagging a little. He smiled at me.

"Ready to go?" I nodded but before I could follow Hunter down the hall, I heard a door open then felt something latch onto my leg. For a moment, I panicked and tensed up, but when I looked at my leg, I saw Alyssa hugging me, still crying happy tears, her little grey and white tail wagging. I relaxed and smiled.

"Hello, little one." I said quietly. She looked up at me, her smile wide and happy.

"Thank you!" she said. I knelt down and put a hand between between her little grey and white ears as she smiled up at me. She let go of my leg and gave me a proper hug. I smiled and hugged her back. We clung to each other before she pulled away and looked at me, confusion flowing from her.

"I don't mean to be rude or ungrateful, ma'am, but how did you help me?" she asked, causing me to chuckle.

"Those are some big words for someone so small." She flushed slightly.

"I'm not small! You're just very big!" I laughed, which made her laugh. When we calmed, I smiled at her.

"You asked how I healed you?" She smiled slightly and nodded. My smile grew as I brought a finger up to my lips, winking at her slightly, and letting my eye flash a faint red glow.

"We girls have to have our secrets." Alyssa's eyes widened when my eye flashed red before determination shown in her eyes. She smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen and nodded.

"Yea!" I chuckled and moved my hand away from my mouth to ruffle the hair between her ears, causing her to shrink trying to get away from my hand. It didn't take long for her to giggle and tell me to stop. I chuckled but stopped. When she looked at me again, my eyes widened slightly. An emotion I personally haven't felt in a long time...admiration flow towards me. Her eyes shown with love as she staring into my eyes.

"What's your name, Miss?" she asked. I blinked slightly, shock still in my head as I replied.

"M-My name is Siren." Alyssa smiled up at me and hugged me again. I felt tears fill my eyes again as I slowly hugged her back. She seemed to sense my happiness because when she pulled away, she wiped away the tears, still smiling.

"Don't cry. Mama says that there's a time and place to cry and I don't think this is the time." I smiled at her innocence and gently laid my hand on her's, which was still on my cheek. I sniffed slightly and looked her in the eyes.

"You're right, little one. And you're mother is a wise woman." I paused for a moment. "Can you do me a favor?" She tilted her head slightly as I smiled gently, my ears back.

"Love you're mom and dad like they were on the edge of death. Tell them you love them every morning when you see them and every night before you go to bed. Give them a hugs and kisses any chance you can. You never know when it will be the last time you see them. Trust me when I say that losing those you love is a pain a child your age should never experience. Take it from a wolf who knows." She seemed to study my face as I talked and when I finished, she stared at me a little longer before smiling softly at me.

"Daddy says that if you lose something, you get something better later on. Daddy told me that he lost his mommy before he met Mama and he said that he was grateful he did because they had me! And to him, that was better than losing his mommy." I smiled slightly.

"You have such smart and wise're lucky to still have them." She smiled and nodded.

"And you're lucky to be with your mate as well. See? Daddy was right! You gain more than you lose!" I chuckled and nodded before looking up at Hunter, who was leaning up against a wall, watching us and smiling.

"You're right. I did gain more than I had before." Hunter walked over to me and offered me a hand. When I took it, he pulled me up and held me close, planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed back just as gently and pulled away chuckling when I heard Alyssa make a noise of disgust. When I moved away from my mate, Alpha Piper walked up to us and offered me her hand. I looked at it that back up at her softly smiling face.

"I'd like to apologize about how horribly I treated you earlier today and would like to offer my allegiance to you personally. I'd also like to thank you for saving my daughter's life. I am in your debt." I smiled slightly and put a hand on hers.

"I understand why you lashed out like that and do not hold it against you. I do accept your offer and would love to build this relationship whenever you have the time. As for your daughter's saving, I only wanted to help so there is no need for you to think that you are indebted to me." She studied me for a moment before smiling and nodding.

"I hope to see you again soon, Siren, and I'm sure Alyssa would too." Alyssa wagged her tail and nodded excitedly. I smiled and nodded.

"I hope so as well and wish you both good health." I looked at Hunter and nodded. "I'm ready to go." Hunter nodded and bowed respectfully to Alpha Piper.

"I bid you farewell, Alpha Piper." I nodded my head slightly in agreement and she smiled and bowed back.

"Same to you, Alpha Hunter and Alpha Siren." I smiled slightly. Hunter straightened and offered me his arm. I linked my arm in his as we walked away and rested my head on his muscles. I felt him plant a kiss on my head as we walked then moved his head so that his mouth was next to my ear.

"I'm happy to have you, too." he whispered into my ear. I felt my face flush slightly but smiled.

"Thank you." I said, closing my eyes as we walked. 

The rogue AlphaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu