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It took some time for George to get used to his new life. 1970 was a lot different than 2020, and he had to learn how to adjust.

Luckily, he had Dream. Dream showed George everything, from his favorite things to do to his favorite places to go. George stared in awe at the town he was in, completely different but somehow exactly the same as the one he walked not too lo ago.

George was introduced to Dream's friend Sapnap, and it all went well. George was greeted with a huge hug and felt even more at home in his new time period now that he had another person who cared about him. The three became the best of friends.

Dream and George were very happy together. They were utterly in love with each other and spent their days holding each other close.

They even planted the flower seeds that George had brought from the future. And not long after that, Dream proposed. George of course said yes, and there was a beautiful ceremony filled with bouquets of orchids and calendulas.

More time passed, and they eventually met a woman named Ophelia. She became a close friend of Dream and George, and even offered to be the surrogate mother when the boys decided to start a family.

When their first child was born, Dream and George were beside themselves; they were so grateful to have been given this chance. They named the boy Wilbur, George still wanting to honor the Wilbur he had come to know in the future.

Not long after they had their second child. Techno, like Wilbur, was born happy and healthy. Dream and George definitely had their hands full with two young sons, but they managed. They loved each other and let nothing deter them.

Dream and George then opened a bookstore in town, at the same place where the George from the future had bought his cassette. The two men loved their little business, and Wilbur and Techno even started working there when they were older.

But more time passed, and soon both Wilbur and Techno had left home. It was hard for Dream and George to let their sons leave, but they still had each other. They knew their boys would make it in the world. They were strong.

Not too long after Wilbur had met Sally. He brought her home to his fathers to introduce her, and she was immediately welcomed to the family. A few years later, they were married. Another beautiful reception had taken place, where Dream and George had worn matching calendulas on their suits.

And then Tommy was born. Dream and George couldn't believe they had a grandson; they were so happy. They smothered Tommy with gifts and attention from the moment he was born, and Tommy grew up loving his two grandpas.

And of course, one day, Dream and George realized how old they had gotten. It had been 50 years, and was now 2020 once again.

However, people don't live forever. Dream and George eventually passed away, but they did so in each other's arms. They had spent a lifetime together, and righted the mistake that time had made. They had no regrets, they couldn't have been happier with how their lives turned out.

They of course had told the tale of their love to their sons. From the phone calls to George meeting his future self and deciding to abandon the life he had for one with Dream.

And as a small bouquet of calendulas was placed upon Dream and George's shared gravesite, Wilbur let a tear roll down his cheek. His fathers were gone, but he would make sure their story lived on.

So, now you know that once upon a time,

in the same room,

in the same house,

no longer 50 years apart,

Clay and George had loved each other.

Flowers from 2020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora