Telling Dream

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Dream had called the next day, apologizing once again for not being able to call previously. George told him about his day in the park, and how he had seen Wilbur and his family again. Dream told George about helping his sister out. When it got late, they hung up, but George did not sleep.

George had expressed how important Dream was to him. "You've done much for my life. More in one month than most people have in years."

To which Dream had replied, "So have you, George. You don't even know."

When they hung up, there was a warm feeling in George's heart. It was stuck there, lingering. But it wasn't a bad feeling. George found himself quite liking the warm feelings Dream had begun to give him as of late.

They kept him up all night.

The next day George had expected another call from Dream. But it hadn't come. Instead he had found himself inviting Wilbur and his wife in for a drink, and Techno joined shortly after.

They had a great time, but it was nearly midnight by the time they had left. So George decided to try and get some sleep.

The next day at 7:58 pm, the phone rang. Dream apologized for not calling the day before, and began to explain how his friend Sapnap had needed consolation after a big breakup.

George understood. He wished Sapnap well, and they continued their conversation. Eventually Dream began playing guitar and singing, and it blew George away. He was amazed by Dream's beautiful singing voice, and it make him feel warm inside.

"I don't know much of the discography from your time but you can make me a list of songs to try and listen to and I'll educate myself on them more." George suggested.

"I will soon, but unfortunately now I am sleepy and I think-"


Dream stopped his sentence. "Is everything ok George? What's wrong?"

George hesitated. "I- I have to tell you something. Something important."

"Of course," Dream replied, "you can tell me anything. What's going on?"

George took a deep breath. And then he began to tell the tale of how he had met his future self.

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