"All of the characters have their pros and cons," I deadpan.

Lincoln chuckles, leaning over the counter. "He's got you there, baby," he tells us, and I see a spot of flour on his cheek.

"Don't side with him!"

"He's right, though."

I giggle as they argue, preparing to kick my boyfriend's ass in this game.

When the game starts, Atticus tries to get the first hit it, but my character can teleport, so I definitely abuse that privilege and beat him easily in five minutes.

"Two out of three!" Atticus whines as Leo and Jared come downstairs and grab controls so that all four of us can play.

Jared ruffles Atticus' hair, and I don't miss the irritated look on Leo's face. After months of being stuck in captivity, Leo has been extremely clingy and needs attention from the only person he has put his full faith in. That happens to be Jared, and I'm glad Leo has someone now, because I heard him cry in the warehouse, and I know it's because he was one of the youngest and no one even bothered looking for him when he went missing.

He spent a while on the computer in the cabin's office when we got here, searching for himself, to see if anyone filed a missing person's report.

No one did.

"Who plays as Zelda?" Jared comments, and I'm surprised when Leo gasps in shock.

"She's the best character!" Leo exclaims, before seeing I've already selected her. "Thief."

I glare at him playfully. "I always play as Zelda."

"Well... Kirby is my second choice," Leo says, picking Kirby. "I haven't played Smash Bros in almost seven months. My switch broke a couple of months before... well, you know."

Jared kisses Leo's forehead, a gentle touch of affection, and Leo's face goes red.

"You two are so cute," Lincoln chirps, and Leo's blush darkens. "Also, the scones will be out in fifteen minutes, kitten."

"Thank whatever god is out there, because my stomach is about to eat itself from the inside out!" I exclaim.

Lincoln hums and sits down on the couch beside Atticus as our game starts. "So... who's winning your little game?" he asks Atticus, and I hear Lincoln kiss his cheek.

"Me," I say, grinning as I knock Jared's character off the edge and chuckle when he can't get back on the platform.

Leo gives a side-eyed glance. "What game?"

"Well, Lincoln likes to bottom," I say, and Lincoln groans in irritation. "And I do, too, but I like to switch as well, and Atticus doesn't like to bottom. So, we decided whoever wins between Atticus and I gets to top Lincoln tonight and the other either gets sucked off or has to be lonely and jerk off in the corner."

Jared chuckles. "You three are a cute, kinky family!" he exclaims as Leo's character hits him off the edge once again.

"Yeah, we'd never play that kind of game," Leo comments.

I turn my head briefly and see my boyfriends both sharing a confused look.

"Why is that?" Atticus asks, kicking my elbow when I knock his character off the edge and throwing off my gameplay so Leo is able to capitalize and knock one of my lives off.

Leo just hums, clearly proud of himself that he's the only one with three lives. "Let's just say, neither of us switches that much from the time we've spent together... and I'm not eager to give up my position."

"So Jared is a bottom," I state plainly, and Jared shoots me a death glare, since he's lost all of his lives and can't really do much but sit and wait for Leo or I to lose.

Leo smirks. "I will not confirm or deny that information... though Jared's glare probably did."

"No sex for you today," Jared mutters, and Leo hops onto his lap, still playing the game.

"We both know you can't resist me..." Leo purrs, and I can tell he's purposefully grinding on Jared's groin to frustrate him.

Thankfully, he's distracted and I hit his character so he and I both have two lives while our boyfriends have one each.

Jared soon ends up with zero because apparently Leo is "distracting" but we all know he's just the worst at this game. It surprises me, honestly, because Jared gives off a gamer-boy vibe, when in reality he sucks.

The timer on the over beeps as we're on our second round with the four of us playing, and the smell of yummy scones drifts through the air. My stomach is growling and all I want to do is throw my controller away so I can dig into the food, but I am competitive and I will not stop playing.

"Lincoln! Please feed me while I play!" I call, and I hear Lincoln walk back and sit on the couch, and he holds out a piece of scone to me.

I open my mouth and moan when he feeds me because food is literally the best thing in my life right now. My boyfriends are great, yeah, but I'm starving.

"Yes!" Leo shrieks, knocking Atticus off the edge so he only has one life left. "You're next, Silas!"

I huff and we keep playing, Lincoln feeding me tiny bites of scone the whole time. When we finish the round, I put my controller down and climb on the couch next to Lincoln, opening my mouth so he can finish feeding me my scone.

"You're fully capable of feeding yourself," Lincoln tells me.

I glare at him. "I'm dealing the the after effects of being kidnapped and starved of both food and affection."

Lincoln chuckles and continues to feed me while the other three go to the kitchen for their own breakfast.

"Let's go sit on the dock," Jared says, looking out on the orangey sky, since the sun is still rising.

We all agree and, even though it's a bit cold out, the dock is gorgeous and it's peaceful to finally feel like we can rest for a bit before we have to face the reality of our world.

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