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Everyone was dancing as people sang and played the banjo. Everyone was in high spirits, John's lovely new wife was called Esme and she was so free, dancing with Ada and joining the family.

Ivy downed her last drink before walking over to Ada and Esme. She spoke directly to Esme, "may i brown my sister for a second, you can have her right back in just a minute." Ivy laughed at the drunk girls' incoherent replies. Ivy pulled Ada over to the corner before whispering to her, "I have to go away for a little bit, but I'll be back alright and I'll come and visit, yeah?" She tried to keep the mood light, Ada brought her in to a big embrace whilst whispering her good byes into her sisters ear. "Now go on, it is a wedding after all, go continue dancing with Esme." Ivy smiled and Ada ran off.

Next she made her way over to Arthur who was standing with John, 2 birds with one stone she thought whilst taking a deep breath. "I have to go," she stated matter - of - factly, "I have business." She half lied, it was true she had business but it wasn't the main reason she was leaving. "Tommy will have my address so just ask him if you want to write or anything but I'll come visit soon alright?" The men stared blankly back at her.

"Alright Ivy, but you come back soon." John told her.

"Course I will, send Esme my congratulations and deepest sympathies about joining the family." John laughed at Ivy's words whilst nudging her shoulder. He brought her in for a quick hug before walking over to his new wife. Arthur just stood there looking glum and emotional. "Hey it's ok." Ivy reassured him whilst holding his face in her hands and stroking his cheek with her thumb.

"But what am I gonna do Ive. What do I do when I have a nightmare or when I get the Flanders blues? You're the only one who can help me V. What do I do without you?"

"Hey, hey look at me, look at me," she spoke softly, like to a child, trying not to startle him. She used her hand to make him look at her. "It's gonna be alright. You can write me letters everyday. And I'll get a phone alright? So whenever you wake up or you're not feeling good you just give me a call and I'll pick up no matter the time. How does that sound? You're gonna be ok Arthur I promise you."

Arthur gave a small nod before speaking, "You promise we can call each other?"

Ivy chuckled, "Of course, now go enjoy the wedding." She gave him a big hug whilst stroking the back of his head.

Ivy walked over to Polly, she just gave her a hug. Polly was incredible, she knew everything without words. "Take care of yourself Ivy" she smiled. Ivy smiled back before walking over to Tommy.

"I'll send you my address when I'm there." She hugged her brother tightly. "I told Arthur I'll get a phone, so call me whenever you need me. Day or night and keep me up to speed with everything, I don't wanna come back one weekend to find you married with 2 kids alright?" She loved. "Thomas Shelby married, what I would give to see that eh," she teased her brother.

Tommy laughed before hugging her again. "Day or night?"

"Day or night" She reassured patting him on the back before walking off.

Just before she left she remembered Curly was here. She quickly ran to where he was standing and gave him a bear hug before kissing his cheek. "I gotta go Curls, I'll be gone for a bit but I'll be back alright?" Curly looked shocked and sad. "Hey it's alright Curly, if you wanna talk to me you just send a letter to this address. She popped a piece of paper into Curly's pocket. She would only tell Curly where she was going, he was a big sweetheart and didn't really understand the problems, he would keep it a secret but if someone asked him where Ivy was he would happily tell them and that was just what Ivy wanted.

She gave the big teddy bear one last hug before running off.


When Ivy got back to Watery Lane she went straight to her room. She acted cheerful and nonchalant about going away but in all honestly it broke her heart. She shut her door and slid to the floor as tears slipped down her cheeks. She knew she made mistakes, she knew she fucked up and she knew she had to go away before she did something that would fuck up all of the family. She also knew that she could be helpful in London and that she had business there but it still heart. It was like a thousand knives had been shoved through her heart. Her family was the only thing she cared about and the only thing that kept her together.

Her tears turned into sobs as she held her head in her hands.

When her brothers went off to war it broke her, everyone saw her as a strong independent woman and she was ... until her brothers left and then she realised how dependent on them she was. Physically she didn't need anyone but mentally she needed her family close and now they were leaving again but this time she was leaving. She would be alone in London only knowing business partners and enemies.

Every night she slept in either Tommy's or Arthur's bed with them to keep their thoughts and nightmares at bay but in all honesty she needed it just as much as they did. She didn't talk about it but she had nightmares, she had thoughts and she had trauma and it was somewhat a relief when her brothers would wake up in the night, it kept her mid off of her own thoughts and nightmares.

But now she was back alone without them.

She got off of the floor. She had to do this. She grabbed a suitcase and put in a few clothes. She reached down and unscrewed one of the floor boards revealing 4 wads of money. She put one in her suitcase and then took a few notes from another stack and put them in her bra. She tucked a few notes in her shoes.

She then unscrewed another floorboard to reveal a huge array of knives, guns and ammunition. She took a knife a put it in her bra, then another to her thigh, one in her pocket and another in her shoe. She put on her shoulder holster and tucked in 2 guns. She put a box of bullets in her suitcase and then clasped it up. She was almost ready to leave.

Lastly she went to her stack of draws and pulled out 3 packs of cigarettes. She pulled on her big overcoat and put the cigarettes and her lighter in her pockets.

Now she was ready to face London.

Alfie's Shelby (peaky blinders fic + Alfie)Where stories live. Discover now