I'll sort it

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"Where have you been?" Tommy questioned as soon as Ivy was back home.

"Doing business" she replied nonchalantly. Sitting next to Tommy on his bed. Ivy always slept in one of the boys rooms now - usually Tommy's- to help them sleep. When they did wake up with nightmares, which was almost every night, she was there to help them. It often meant she wouldn't sleep much but anything for her brothers. Tommy was struggling the most, then Arthur who struggled more with his emotions and then John who was managing pretty well.

"What business?" Tommy asked.

"Business that doesn't concern you" Ivy replied stubbornly.

"Family business does concern me..." Tommy started but was cut off by Ivy.

"Well it's not family business so you don't need to be concerned and before you say anything, you have Billy Kimber to deal with. You can't be fixing races without his permission Tom so you worry about him and I'll worry about my own business alright?"

Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose and grunted before climbing into bed.

"And I know you've been using Tom."Tommy glanced up at Ivy as she spoke. He was worried about her reaction, he wasn't scared of anyone except for his sister, because when she got mad, she got mad. Plus she and Aunt Polly were the only ones who would dare to even think about getting angry at him.

Ivy could see her brothers worry, "I'm not mad. I understand, you don't have to worry about telling me anything Tom"

"Yeah cos you probably already know it" Tommy laughed half heartedly. "You want to go to the Garrison?" Tommy asked sitting up and rubbing his face.

"As much as I would love to go and get drunk with you, it's midnight Tom, you gotta sleep"

"I don't wanna sleep" Tommy whined like a little child causing a small giggle to escape Ivy's lips. "Arthur and John are already there, we can join them, come on v" Tommy persuaded. Ivy stood up reluctantly with a small smile playing on her lips at her twins childish antics.

The twins headed over to the Garrison, when they entered the snug they saw Arthur and John drinking away but still partially sober which was good for what was about to happen.

Tommy and Ivy lit a cigarette each, everyone was in high spirits as they drank and smoked. Suddenly lights started flashing outside the Garrison.


"Nah" Tommy answered.

"For fuck sake Tommy!" Ivy groaned realising what was happening.

"What, whats going on?" Arthur questioned confused.

Ivy ignored her older brother, talking to her twin, "now he's in the fucking Garrison."

"Is there any man in here named Shelby?" Billy Kimber shouted after shooting the roof.

Tommy stepped out of the snug followed by Ivy, Arthur and John. "Go home, all of you" Tommy commanded; everyone scrambled away leaving the Shelbys (and 2 of their men) and Kimber (with 3 of his men). Grace poured everyone a drink before Tommy told her to leave, which she did. Tommy, Arthur, John and Ivy sat at one side of the table with their 2 men (scudboat and lovelock) standing behind them whilst Kimber and a man sat on the other side with 2 of his men standing behind them.

"You asked for a man named Shelby, well you got 3"

"I've never heard of you, then I did hear of you, some small town razor gang and I thought so what. And then you fucked me over, you fixed a race without my permission, I am Billy Kimber, you don't fuck me over and get away with it." Kimber said getting increasingly angry. "Anyway which one of you am i talking to who's the boss?" Kimber asked calming down.

Alfie's Shelby (peaky blinders fic + Alfie)Where stories live. Discover now