Pet Fiesta

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Miami was my hometown but i had to move to city and we three got seperated. Now we are together. Just imagine seeing your best friends after years. And we got with each other and it was like we never got seperated.

Grandpa: Why don't you go to animal store. I loved to hangout there with my friends.

Me: That would be great.

But things dont end up the way you want them to be. We went to the pet shop, the next day.

As we were expecting to see cute animals instead there we saw every animal was getting packed in cages in piles.

Madison: What is going on?
Owner:Can't you see! I am out of business.
Emily: What do you mean?
Owner: No one is buying them. So I am selling them, okay. Now go away.
Me: But what will happen to them?
Owner: It doesn't matter.
Me: It does. They are also living creatures.
Emily: Exactly. And everyone knows that animal shelters can't provide them right amount of care.
Owner: Tell it to the people.
Me: Exactly. We can help you find them owners.
Madison: Yeah. Please, there must be a large area where we can sell them.
Emily: Actually there is a carnival. We should go there.
Owner: Look, i appreciate your concern but i have tried everything to save these animals.
Me: But there is nothing wrong in atleast trying.
Madison: Please manage some time.
Owner: You cant just sell them without a stall
Emily: I will arrange a stall for us.  Grandma has one.
Owner: I am not sure
Madison: Please. If some of these animals have a good and caring owner.
Owner: Alright. But I will have to go ask them, so i cant join you guys.
Emily: How will we?
Me: We will manage. We have to.

Today was thursday, and carnival is on saturday. So we have to arrange everything for stall.

Madison: Let us go to every house maybe some people will adopt them.
Emily: Good idea. Let us split up. You guys can go door-to-door. And I will arrange for stall.
Me: Sounds great.

And it was time for a group hug! We have no time to waste.

We went to 10 houses. Not even one of them adopted those cute animals! We tried everything. We dressed like clowns, santa, bunny and every costume in the world.

Madison: Why do people not adopt so cute animals.
Me: I hope Emily is doing good.

We went to Emily.
Madison: Hoe is it going?
Emily: Not great
Me: Here also
Emily: Everyone is preparing for carnival. Most of the supplies are over.

We somehow managed to convince twenty people to adopt animals.

Later on in carnival, no costumers were coming.

Madison: I didnt think it would go so bad.
Me: Me niether.
Emily: What will happen to these poor animals. Only if we could draw some attention.
Me: Madison why dont you sing
Madison: What?
Emily: Ya. You are great at singing!
Madison: It is different to sing in front of everyone.
Me: Please for those poor little creatures have the last hope on you.
Madison: Stop. You are making me feel guilty.
Me: So it is working. Those anima..
Madison: Okay but i dont have any lyrics.
Emily: You are great at speech. Write it for her.
Me: Me? I mean that is different.
Emily: Remember words should touch there heart.

A soul waiting for you.

Life is not easy. There is always gonna be another mountain. Just look up to little things. You need someone to be by your side. With just one look you feel alright. Just see the soul inside them, i am sure you'll know something is there. Just see for just one more time, feel this time. There is a soul inside waiting for you. You can have a palace full of luxury, you just need this friend to be by your side. When you feel down you will know someone is there. A soul is waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you..

There was silence and suddenly we heard thousands of claps. Our stall got so crowded. Most of the pets were adopted. We sighed in relief. 

Me: We won. We did it. We saved the animals. I am so happy!
Emily: Yes!
Madison: We friends can do anything
Emily: That song was really great!
Madison: Thanks to you. You wrote amazing lyrics.

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