Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

~Your POV~

"Elissa, you need to calm down." Kaname told you but you couldn't. Your heart was racing and your thoughts couldn't be contained. You were freaking out.

"It'll be alright Elissa." Yuuki tried to help but you stood up in panic from the ledge.

"What part of this is going to be okay? We have to get this off of me! I'll be damned if I fall in love with Quentin or die because of him!" You instantly went for the bracelet and that was when Kaname caught your wrists, he had grabbed just above the bracelet.

"Elissa calm down. You need to think straight, you can't take the bracelet off or attempt to. It will work faster if you do. We have no idea what he's planned for you... So you have to take that in consideration-"

Your mind started playing the look he had when everyone bowed to him, "Power. He wants power and he got it... He knew he would get it tonight. Control.." you started mumbling to yourself which caught Kaname's attention.

"Control?" Takuma asked curious, he and Yuuki looked at each other and then back at you.

"Ever since he got me he's wanted to control me. He had me in a dungeon at first and then I agreed to join him out of pure fear of him... He gave me a room and then after I tried to escape multiple times he started to assign bodyguards to me... The bodyguards were an effort to try and control me.. he wanted to control my behaviour tonight. Kaname, he wants to control me. He's going to make me his own puppet!" You panicked after the realisation hit you.

"We have to find a way to take it off her! How do we take it off Kaname?" Yuuki asked trying to remain calm for you.

Kaname started shaking his head, "The only time I've ever heard of it coming off is when it's finished doing it's job. I'll have to ask Kaien about it, it's a hunters relic. He should know more and should be able to access the archives in the association. You just have to hang in there Elissa and try to  resist it." Kaname told you and you scoffed.

"Great. That's just great. You're just going to watch me become a mindless puppet? I'll find my own way out of this mess." You scoffed pushing past Kaname and Takuma walking back inside. You looked around to find nobody you actually recognised except for the night class.

"Lady Elissa, are you alright?" You heard and looked to see Aidou. His eyes softened at your half worried state. You were trying to keep it together for the nobles that surrounded you.

"I'm fine, thank you Aidou." You nodded and he nodded back to you. It was the way you two communicated that either everything was alright or everything was just horrible.

"You look pale Lady Elissa." You heard a feminine voice approach. You looked over to see a beautiful lady with long flowing locks of golden hair approach you. She put her hand on your forehead which you flinched away at and Aidou put himself between you both.

"Lady Elissa said she was fine." Aidou bowed to the lady to show respect. You had also sensed her authority, she was another pureblood.

"Perhaps Lady Elissa will want to get some fresh air with me? I was about to go up for some. The balconies don't give me enough air, come Lady Elissa. You'll be safe with me don't worry." She smiled gently at you, she held her hand out for you and hesitantly took it. You both walked up the stairs, Aidou was on protective duty so he followed you. You saw your bodyguards at the entrance and they immediately blocked your exit after the woman passed them. Your hand yanking her back a little.

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