Chapter 4 ~ The punishment...

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~ The Next Morning ~

I wake up to my alarm ringing and I get changed quickly. It's not too cold today so I pick a cute white pencil skirt to match with my white cropped tee, paired with a cropped zip up hoodie. I add a pair of sunglasses in my hair as a finishing touch before I head downstairs.

When I get downstairs I begins to pack my bag when Mrs. Bernadine walks in.

"You got her to eat. I'm surprised." She sneers, a slight hint of jealously in her tone. "However, I'm not letting you go after school." She states quickly, getting ready to leave as if I was just going to take it lying down.

I stand up quickly and stare at her, putting on my hardest glare as my anger shows prominently in my words. "What? Why not? We had a deal!" I shout, ready to scream till my lungs burn out.

It's not about going out after school, it's more about the fact she made a deal and went back on it. AND the fact she thinks she can control what and when I do things. No, that's not how things work with me, and she's going to have find that out.

Her face gets redder by the second and she storms up towards me. "Don't you DARE shout at me!" She screams in my face, a shower of spit landing on my face. What is it with people around here and their saliva?

I take one step closer to her and shout back. "I'll shout at you if I want to shout at you! You have no control over me, I'm going out tonight whether you like it or not!" I scream back, not showing her a hint of fear.

Her face goes even more red which I didn't even think was possible. Her nose starts to flare and before I know it, her hand strikes me across my eye.

I fall to the floor and she stands there as if nothing happened. The stinging pain I almost forgot comes at me full throttle. She may be old but she packs on hell of a punch.

"I have never met a child as rude as you! You will learn to respect me. now get to school!" She screams, looking down at me as if I am nothing but a speck of dirt.

I quickly stand up and look her dead in the eyes. My glare is on full power now, but I know this is a battle I can't win, so I grab my bag and storm out the house, making sure to place my sunglasses over my eyes.

~ At School ~

I get to school on time and I walk over to my locker. I try to keep my head down and put my hood up making sure I avoid interacting with people.

When I get to my locker I quickly grab what I need then try to leave before Peter gets there. As if the gods hate me, however, as I shut my locker Peter began walking next to me. "Hey, why the glasses?" Peter questions skeptically.

Shit. I turn to him and smile, "The new style I guess." I say shutting him down quickly, "I should get to lesson, I'll talk to you later." I say quickly and turn to walk away but he follows me.

"We have science together, so I'll walk with you." He says kindly, clueless to my angry mood. "are you coming to the cafe with us?" Peter asks, a hopeful tone hidden in the question.

"Uh I don't know if I can. Sorry. I'll do my part at home tonight." Peter goes to reply but I continue walking quickly into lesson and the teacher gets in just after me and Peter do.

Mj and Ned say hi as I sit down and I keep my head down hoping the teacher doesn't say anything. The teacher starts speaking until she notices I have my sunglasses on. Jesus, the gods really do hate me today.

"Hope, could you please remove your sunglasses, we are inside." She asks sweetly. My heart beats quickly as everyone turns their attention to me.

"I'd rather not." I say strongly, glancing up to her. She looks taken back and proceeds to ask again.

"Take off your sunglasses hope, those are the rules." She says in a more stern voice. I huff at her persistence before roughly grabbing my glasses and taking them off. Maybe the bruise hasn't come up yet?

My hope was quickly squashed as a few whispers begin to break out. "Hope, would you like to step out side for a minute?" The teacher asks quietly, now regretting asking me to take my glasses off.

"No, I'm fine. Seriously, I tripped over my dog and hit my eye on the table." I say quickly, hoping she believes me and moves on. "As interesting as my eye is, it's not gonna help me do well in my exam so can we focus on learning something?" I spit when I see everyone's attention still on me.

The teachers mouth opens slightly as if to object to what I'm saying but finds no word to say. She moves on and everyone stops staring at me.

Everyone but Peter. "How did you trip over your dog?" He asks, skepticism laced in his question.

I look at him and he stares at the bruise."How do you trip over anything? The dog was there, I walked forward, and whoopty doo, I get a black eye." I rush out trying to add a bit of humour to get him to laugh but it obviously doesn't work.

"When did this happen?" He questions again, no humour in his words.

"Peter, seriously, drop it. You would've laughed if you were there." I say giving him a small smile.

"I doubt it." He replied instantly, his jaw tensing as he looks at my eye one last time, returning his focus back onto the board in front.

I release a breath I'd been holding since the lesson started. At least everyone thought I was just stupid rather than weak.

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