Nia's nightmares part 3

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Nia's POV

I woke up to sunlight streaming in. I opened my eyes to see Kara asleep with an arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled. This was the first time in I don't know how long that I was able to sleep without having nightmares.

I quietly got out of bed without waking Kara and went to her kitchen. The least I could do was make her breakfast. I got everything out to make a big stack of pancakes for Kara, I also put on some eggs and bacon for her.

I didn't even realise Kara was awake until she started talking. "Well, this is nice." I spun around and yelped. Kara looked at me and started laughing. "Sorry Nia, I didn't mean to scare you." I laughed shaking my head. "No...don't worry."

Kara came up behind me to see what I was doing. "Oh, that smells great." I laughed. "That's good." I quickly finished making breakfast, we ate in silence. It was nice I enjoyed spending time with Kara and she really helped.

When we were both done eating I went and got dressed. When I came back out Kara was on the couch, still in her sweats. She smiled and me when she saw me. "Hey you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah I best head back to mine." Kara frowned. "You sure?" I nodded again. "Yeah...thanks for letting me stay Kara."

Kara got up and walked over to me wrapping me in a hug. I sighed. Kara gave the best hug. When I pulled back I hadn't even realised I was crying. Kara gently wiped my tear away. I didn't even realise what I was doing until I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Kara's.

Kara was shocked but soon started kissing me back...I couldn't believe it she was kissing me back. I finally came to my senses and pulled back and stepped out of her embrace. "Oh my god...Kara...I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have done that...I should go...I...I...I'm sorry."

Before Kara could stop me I ran out the door, slamming it shut behind me.

Kara's POV

What just happened? I stood shocked looking at the place Nia just stood. She kissed me...and I kissed her back...I went and sat back on the couch...I was beyond confused...I got out my phone and called Alex.

Phone call in bold.

Alex: Hey Kar.

Kara: Alex...

Alex: Kara are you okay? You sound upset?

Kara: I...I...Can you come over?

Alex: Yeah I'll be right over, is the door unlocked.

Kara: Yeah...

Alex: Okay I'll be there soon.

Phone call ended.

In what felt like no time at all Alex walked in carrying a box of pizza and potstickers. She smiled as she walked over to me and sat down next to me. "So what's up sis?" I looked over to her and burst into tears.

Alex gathered me into her arms. "Hey...Kara...What's wrong?" I pulled away and wiped my eyes. "Nia...She kissed me..." Alex nodded. "Ah...And how do you feel about that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Rao, you spend way too much time with Kelly." Alex playfully hit me in the arm. "Seriously Kar, how'd you feel about it."

I shrugged. "I don't know, I was shocked, but I enjoyed it?" Alex laughed. "There's nothing wrong with that."

I sighed. "It's just, I've neve liked girls before...and then Nia...I don't know...She changed things..."

Alex smiled and took my hand. "Why don't you go talk to her?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I can't..."

"Why not?"

"Once she realised what she did...She ran..."

"She was probably confused, but you should talk to her."

I nodded, standing up. "What about you?"

Alex laughed. "Well Kelly's working late, so I'll just stay here and eat all the food."

I playfully glared at her. "If you eat all those potstickers I will melt your face off."

Alex rolled her eyes and turned on Netflix, making herself comfortable. "Yeah, yeah, go get your girl already.

I laughed and went to go speak to Nia.

Nia's POV

I couldn't stop crying, from the moment I left Kara's apartment until now. God I was so stupid...I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I wanted to ignore it but whoever it was wouldn't stop knocking.

I sighed, got out of bed and went to answer the door. I was frozen in shock when I saw that it was Kara. Kara looked nervous. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and stood out of the way so that she could get in. I silently closed the door behind me and looked anywhere but at Kara.

Kara came over and lifted my chin so that I would have to look at her. "Nia." I took a step back. "It's okay Kara...I shouldn't have kissed you...I'm sorry...It was wrong..."

Kara took my hand in hers. "No, it's okay, really I liked it."

I stood with my mouth hanging open. "You...You liked it?"

Kara nodded, smiling. Kara leaned forward and connected her lips to mine. I froze momentarily, I soon sank into the kiss and smiled against Kara's lips.

We both pulled away smiling. "So no regrets?"

Kara smiled. "Definitely not."

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