Chapter eight

Começar do início

Bruin hums in thought for a few seconds before shrugging and reaching for the salt shaker sitting near the stove. Adding a little to the batter, he mixes it again thoroughly. I light up the stove as he reaches for the ladle and scoops up a ladle-full of batter out of the bowl. The oil I drizzled onto the pan makes the batter sizzle as it touches the hot surface.

We spend the next fifteen minutes making the pancakes together and I like the mundane feeling of it. It makes me remember the other morning he was here and sat with me as I ate my breakfast, the feeling was exactly the same. Homely.

The adorable man stares at me with a smile that makes that sinful dimple of his pop out again and his eyes shine warmly. I absolutely love the dimple that dents his right cheek, makes me want to smother him with kisses. And that is precisely why that dimple is sinful and even deadly.

We run out of batter before I can give in to my dreams and Bruin places the platter of steaming pancakes on the dining table. I take out the plates, cups and cutlery we need, placing them on the table as well, not forgetting the little mats under the plates. Don't need no heat damage on my wooden table. While I set the table, Bruin clears the countertop of the items he used and swipes it with a damp cloth for good measure. I grab the carton of milk from the fridge again and place it on the table, next to the pancakes.

Bruin pulls my chair out for me and when he takes his own seat, he slides it as close to me as he possibly can. I roll my eyes in humor before reaching for a pancake. Smacking myself, I stand to take the small half-empty bag of homemade jam. I can't stand the store ones that are boiled through or whatever. I just smash my strawberries and mix sugar into them before bagging and freezing them.

I grab a spoon from a drawer before plopping down into my seat and scooping a few spoonfuls of the red substance onto my pancake before spreading it and rolling my pancake. I cut a piece off the end and stuff it into my mouth, momentarily having forgotten that the cake is hot. I'm quickly reminded by the burning feeling in my mouth and I breath through my mouth, trying to cool it down while grabbing for the milk. Pouring it into my glass, I gulp a mouthful and relax again as the cool milk soothes my mouth.

Bruin looks at me with concern, looking ready to jump up from his chair and rush me into a clinic or something. "I'm alright, I forgot the pancake just came off the pan." He doesn't appear mollified, looking at me like I had just him I didn't like his bear or something. Oh, wait, we need to have that conversation today. "Eat up, my bear. We've got some things to discuss and I'd rather not do it while eating." Bruin nods hesitantly and with that, the rest of the breakfast time is spent in a tense silence. Great job, you.

We clear the table, put the dishes in the sink to be washed later and place the pancakes, milk and jam into the fridge. I lead us to the living room and instead of sitting down on my favourite armchair, I take a seat on the couch so that me and Bruin could talk. He gingerly sits down next to me, slowly rising his eyes to meet mine.

"So, um... first off, I want you to know I'm really grateful you found me and so soon, at that. I don't know how long I could've held on down there. Second, I want you to also know that should you still... want to be with me, I would like to, uh... let you know that that is something I want, too." Dear stars, could you get any more awkward? "I mean, um... I've thought about it and I'm willing to give you that chance, should you still want it."

"Should I still want it?" Bruin asks incredulously. "Baby, there is no way in hell I'm leaving you. Honestly, I had half a mind of just dragging you into the woods with me should you object." Oh. Oh. I mean, sure, I expected he still wanted to be with me from the way he acted yesterday night and this morning, before I made it awkward. "Well, uh, thank you, for your... honesty?" Alright, that's it. I'm just going to go crawl into a corner and stay there.

Me and BearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora