Not Good Enough : PAIN

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Chapter 1 :

Deep breaths. Tears. Scars, deep cuts that never go away. Constant reminders of what goes on in my home. No. Not my home. His home. My prison.

He hits me and I fall to the floor. He kicks my stomach, then my face. My hair stuck to the beads of sweat on my face, and my head pounds. I start to bleed. "Get your ass off the floor! Get out of my sight!" I pull myself up and run to my room jerking back tears. 'Tears are a sign of weakness!' He has said time and time again.

I run to the bathroom and run water over my face cleaning the blood off. I lift my shaky hand up to my face. I run my fingers over my new gash. I can't stand to look at it. I shamefully look away from the mirror.

I reach in my pocket and pull my razor out. My razor was about an inch and a half long. It has blood stains on it from me using it countless times.  

I pull my sleeve up and run it across my fore arm watching the blood gush out. I winced at the pain. It might of hurt but never as much and the pain he gave me. The mental pain as well.  

I repeat this action around seven times.  

I rinse the blood away from my arm and pull my sleeve back down to cover them.  

I check to make sure the hallway was clear. It was. I run across the hall quickly and silently to my room. 

I sit on my bed and comer up with my small blanket. Maybe I could get some sleep. I lay down and shut my eyes.

"Sam! Get out here!"

Damn it! I guess not. I slowly crawl out of bed still in pain. I slowly walk out to where he is sitting watching t.v.

"I'm Going out." He yelled. He was going to drink. He was already drunk. He always was. "I'll be home late." I nod being too scared to speak. 

Ever since my mother died......let me rephrase.....was killed by that bastard! I stopped talking. Was I too scared to talk or was I so deeply impacted from what I saw this is how I was dealing with it? 

I wasn't sure which. It had been nine years since then.

He walked up to me and lifted me up by my hair. "Don't you get none ideas!" He spit in my face as he dropped me. My head smacked on the floor. He kicks my stomach and turns and walks out the door. 

I'm breathing heavily as tears crawl down my cheeks. I pull myself up using the table not being able to on my own. I limp back to my room and lay on my bed.  

Finally some sleep. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


Hey! This is my new story. I hope you like it! I'm sorry if it is offensive to you in any way! If it is please tell me!

Please vote/comment/read!


The lads (one direction) will either come in next chapter or chapter three

Author notes will be at the end of the chapters.

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