Spencer Reid Has a Migraine

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A/N: Hey! If you have any requests at all, just let me know in the comments!! I try to update as regularly as possible!!
(unfortunately lol..)

I might do another Migraine fic in the future, or I might do a part two of this one.

Reid's POV
It was a bright, early, and frigid Tuesday morning. In fact, the first really cold day of the year. I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears. Turning the alarm off, I slid out of bed and laid out my clothes for the day. Then I walked to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

After I finished getting ready, I made myself a cup of coffee to put into my to-go cup for the morning. After bundling up, I grabbed my bag, my coffee, and the rest of my things and headed out the door, locking it behind me for the next couple of days. I quickly walked down to my vehicle and drove cautiously to work. I hated driving in the cold weather, people were insane with their driving these days.

After I pulled into the parking garage, I took a big drink of my coffee and gathered my stuff. While walking into the building, I felt an intense pressure begin to creep up my neck and ache. I winced at the pain and noticed an aura out of my right eye. I kept walking a smoothly as possible as I rubbed the pain away with my free hand. 'Please.. not a migraine now. I'm just trying to go to work..' I said mentally cursing myself for not packing my migraine meds in my Go-Bag. Just then I heard my name being called out, at first it was kinda distorted slightly but then I seen it was Morgan trying to get my attention from across the lobby outside the elevators. It's funny because I honestly don't remember how I got to be in front elevators. I turned and waved awkwardly, "Good morning," I said as he walked over. "Mornin', pretty boy! You ready to go for today! JJ says we got a big one." He says patting my back.

Suddenly, a shrill noise pierced my eardrums which caused me to wince slightly, the elevator ding. We walked into the elevator together which made me realize that Derek was eyeing me closely. The elevator jerked upwards that caused my stomach to roll. As soon as we started moving, the aura came back and flooded my vision but I remained calm and didn't react. I didn't want to deal with this, I just wanted to work and get this over with.

Soon we came to a stop and we walked out of the elevator, I have to admit my legs were feeling a little shaky. Thankfully, my vision cleared back up and everything was just replaced by an intense pressure and pain crawling up my neck and snaking up around the right side of my head. 'Great.. I have a migraine.. well I can't go home now.' I said almost mentally regretting my decision to come in to work.
Nonchalantly, I made my way into the bullpen alongside Derek. I set my stuff down on top of my desk and sat down for a brief moment while we gave everyone a chance to arrive. I unpacked the things that I needed for the briefing, then laid my head back and closed my eyes. I felt myself dozing off when I felt as if I was spinning. I opened my eyes too quickly and then the aura was back. "Reid!" Someone's voice caught my attention, startling me, I snapped my head towards the source of the voice to discover it was Hotch from across the bullpen. Then I realized that I was the only one not seated at the round table. "Yeah! I'm coming, Sir! Just need to gather my files and research." I said quickly standing up and grabbing my papers.

All of us were seated at the round table, Hotch opened with the description of the case and who the first known victims were. Then, JJ chimed in with a statement about the other possible men and women who were missing within the area. After that, I just kind of went out of it for a minute. My head felt like it was between a vice grip, the lights were too bright as well. The combination of the two making my stomach churn slightly.
Once it got to my turn to share I pulled out my papers and quickly made my point as short and sweet as possible. "Alright, since we all came in with our Go-Bags already packed, let's head towards the plane." Hotch said in a serious yet hopeful tone. I nodded and stood up to gather my things from my desk.

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