The voices from outside eventually faded away, and Xie Lian assumed that the two hunters had given up and gone back to their guilds in defeat. He saw their two weapons still on the ground, and his eyes widened. ‘We’ll definitely see them again,’ he thought ruefully. San Lang followed his line of sight and picked up the sword and bow. He twanged the bow’s drawstring playfully, like it was a toy, then raised his eyebrows and set both weapons on the table.

Xie Lian let go of his nose and dropped the handkerchief. “I think it’s stopped bleed-” Blood gushed out of his nostrils and dripped down his front. Without hesitation, San Lang knelt by his side again, picked up the handkerchief, and pressed it to Xie Lian’s nose. Xie Lian almost couldn’t bear it. He didn’t want San Lang to see him like this, he was surely a sorry sight… He didn’t dare to look San Lang in the eyes.

“Gege…” San Lang said softly.

“Yes, San Lang?” Xie Lian asked, flashing a quick smile. San Lang paused, like there was something that he wanted to say.

“I…” He stopped. “I’ll go get you some ice and make you some food, okay?”

Xie Lian felt that San Lang had wanted to say something else, but took the handkerchief and nodded instead of questioning him. When San Lang stood, his fingers brushed against Xie Lian’s knee as lightly as a butterfly’s wing.

Suddenly, San Lang carefully hooked his arms around him and picked him up, blanket and all. Ruoye’s head swayed from the motion, but he stayed wrapped around Xie Lian’s arm.

“S-San Lang? What are you doing?” Xie Lian gasped. San Lang had one arm under his knees, and the other wrapped around his back like he was a bride.

“Those two ‘esteemed hunters’ made the house so cold. I wouldn’t want Gege to fall ill.”

Xie Lian’s heart fluttered at his words. San Lang’s arms were so steady and strong, keeping him safe in his embrace. Slowly, Xie Lian leaned slightly into San Lang’s chest as they crossed the room. Before San Lang placed him in the rocking chair by the fire, he could have sworn that he heard the faint murmurs of San Lang’s heartbeat.

The warmth from the fire kissed Xie Lian’s skin, and he was suddenly aware of how cold the cottage was. He had been numb to it. Ruoye slithered down into Xie Lian’s lap and curled up into a spiral.

“Thank you, San Lang.”

San Lang nodded, but Xie Lian could see that his brows were still slightly knitted together in worry.

“I’m fine, it’s alright!” Xie Lian assured. “This is really nothing, I’ve dealt with far worse!”

For some reason, San Lang’s face turned even more sorrowful.

“If Gege says so.” His voice sounded a little stiff. He picked up the two weapons, then opened the door and threw them outside unceremoniously. While he was out there, he broke an icicle off of a root hanging over the door. He snapped the sharp end off of it, wrapped it in a piece of cloth, and handed it to a grateful Xie Lian, who dropped the handkerchief to take it. He pressed the soothing ice against his nose, and hoped that the area wouldn’t get too bruised and swollen. How could he face San Lang, looking like that?

San Lang left for the kitchen, and Xie Lian could hear him rustling around in the cupboards for ingredients. It was comforting to know that he wasn’t too far away, just on the other side of the room.

Xie Lian breathed out slowly, mulling over all that had happened- two oddly familiar hunters coming into his home and accusing his San Lang of kidnapping… Xie Lian knew in his heart that San Lang wasn’t the culprit, although he was now fairly certain that he knew what he really was. He felt sick to his stomach with worry that bringing up the wolven creature to Fu Yao had put San Lang in danger. He wished that he could take back his words. What if the hunters didn’t give up, and came back again (this time with backup?).

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