Kuroo: (Hey.. it's Kuroo.. I know it's been awhile.. I need to talk with you.)

Suga: (Oh hey! Yeah it has, good to hear from you! What's up?)

Kuroo: (Well recently as in 3 days recent I had a child come stay with me, i ended up adopting him. He's 4 years old, I heard you had a little boy yourself.. I was wondering if we could plan a meet up or playdate for them? I think it would really help kenma, he's having trouble socializing.")

Suga: (That's a great idea! Hinata would love that, he's just turned 4 himself. What were you thinking for a playdate? Park?)

Kuroo: (I don't know.. I haven't taken him to a park yet, he gets overwhelmed sometimes. Can we maybe start somewhere more quieter or private?)

Suga: (Library? Hinata loves the library.)

Kuroo: (uhm.. I don't know if kenma would understand the idea of being quiet and would want to run around..)

Suga: (That's completely okay, I understand. First time I took Hinata he kept squealing at all the books, I got rude stares and I was so embarrassed.. we can't help what kids do sometimes! How about my place? Tomorrow after 10am, I'll be home with Hinata and it's not too late or early in the day.)

Kuroo: (you're right, kids are pretty persistent and do some funny things sometimes. Suga thank you so much, tomorrow sounds great.)

Suga: (Its no problem! I'll see you tomorrow, we can have a good catch up while they play.)

Kuroo: (great idea, catch you tomorrow around 10)

Kuroo put his phone down "tomorrow at 10am, we are just gonna stay at Sugawaras for the playdate." Kuroo said standing up, Lev smiled and stood as well putting a hand on Kuroos shoulder "see? It's not so bad? Baby steps for both you and Kenma." Lev said putting Kuroos shoulder and walking off, Kuroo sighed and fell back into the couch. He was happy to have another person he could talk to who would understand what it was like having a 4 year old, he was a little worried about how kenma would act though. Lev came back out a little later, he was dressed. " Okay, I made soup and it's in the fridge so you just have to heat it up for kenmas dinner." Lev said doing his buttons up, it was Kuroos first night putting kenma to bed by himself and he was a little nervous since Lev was a big help when it came to bedtime. "Okay.." Kuroo mumbled back, Lev stood infront of him on the couch "hey, if you have any problems you can call me." Lev said kicking at Kuroos ankle gently, Kuroo looked up and nodded slightly. " Okay, I'll be back around 11ish tonight. I'll check in on him when I get home, don't stress it." Lev said checking his phone, Kuroo grabbed the remote and turned the tv on as Lev left the house. Kuroo watched the tv for a little bit, his mind worrying about the playdate. He pulled his phone out again, he felt he needed to be honest about Kenmas behavior.

Kuroo: (Hey again.. i would just like to thank you again. I feel I need to warn you about Kenmas behavior.. He was in an orphanage, his behaviour isn't the best all the time. He doesn't talk much, he gets frustrated too. Sometimes he's really closed off, i dont know how he'll handle being around a child his own age if I'm honest.)

Suga: (No problem like I said, im glad you are taking that step. Look, kids are challenging. You never know what you're going to expect, I've had hinata since he was 1, I found it hard too and I still do! Kids are unpredictable, I'll let Hinata  know to give kenma some space to warm up. All kids are different, Hinata is normally really outgoing and is quick to try and make friends. There's nothing wrong with him being shy or short tempered, he's been in the foster system and that's tough on a child. Don't stress it, we can talk more about this in person tomorrow.)

Kuroo: (okay, thank you. See you tomorrow, it'll be a great help for me and Kenma.)

Suga: (No problem, seeya)

Once again Kuroos mind was put at ease, he could tell how understanding Sugawara was.  Kuroo sat and watched tv for awhile, checking the time to see it was already getting late and Kenma should be up so he slept tonight. He got up and went to Kenmas room, opening the door to see kenma was still sleeping. Kuroo went in slowly and sat on the edge of the bed "kenma.. time to get up bud." Kuroo spoke softly shaking Kenmas shoulder, the boy groaned and squinted his eyes at Kuroo. "good sleep?" Kuroo asked, Kenma yawned and nodded sitting up. Kuroo went to tell kenma about tomorrow when the boy whined in discomfort. Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows "words?" Kuroo asked, kenma pouted his lip "gotta go.." He whispered, Kuroo took a moment before it clicked "oh oh, okay let's go quick." Kuroo said standing up, kenma nodded and crawled out of bed keeping blanky in his hands as Kuroo pulled the boy along quickly. "Here, you go by yourself cause your a big boy." Kuroo said, kenma nodded and handed his blanky over before he went into the bathroom closing the door. Kuroo was proud of kenma for telling him, he seemed to not normally wet the bed during his naps which was good. Kenma came back out when he was finished and looked up at Kuroo, he was able to go with no struggle. "Good job kenma, let's wash your hands though" Kuroo said walking into the bathroom with kenma, he put the step infront of the sink for the boy to now use. Kenma hesitantly stood on it and turned the tap on, washing his hands with the soap. He shook his hands off and plopped down off the step, he looked up at Kuroo to see he was smiling. "Well done kenma, high five?" Kuroo said bending down to the boy. Kenma gave a confused look as Kuroo held his hand up, the boy copied and raised his before slowly bringing his hand to Kuroos interlocking his fingers. Kuroo chuckled, he thought it was cute. "high five is like clapping, here try again" Kuroo said trying to pull his hand away, kenma resisted and kept his fingers around Kuroos. His eyes were beaming a glow as he looked at Kuroos hand he held onto, he liked holding Kuroos hand. Kuroo realised and gave a soft smile "alright.." Kuroo whispered, kenma looked out the bathroom ready to play again. It was getting close to dinner so he thought the boy could play in the lounge room as he heated up dinner, giving kenma some time to unwind before bed. "Let's go bud" Kuroo said leading the way, Kenmas hand still holding on tightly to Kuroos. He walked the boy to the lounge room and went in search of the remote, digging his hand in the couch he pulled out Kenmas toy phone "ah that's where it went" Kuroo hummed, kenma squealed and let go of Kuroos hands to grab for the phone. Kuroo handed over his blanky and the toy phone, kenma got up on the couch and waited for Kuroo to put the tv on. Kuroo found the remote and turned the tv on a kids show, petting Kenmas head "I'll go heat dinner up, we can eat and then you gotta get dressed for bed" Kuroo told the boy so he knew what was expected to come, kenma nodded watching the tv. Kuroo walked out and went to the kitchen grabbing out the soup, he stopped in the middle of what he was doing.  "Oh.. oh no.." Kuroo whispered to himself, he remembered something very important. Lev was the one who had to dress kenma last night, the boy didn't want him to see him wearing the pull-up. How was he going to do this..?

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