part 3

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Once in the room kenma waited paiently for some clothes holding the towel around him, Kuroo grabbed out a light blue shirt with a cat head on the pocket of the shirt along with cuffed short sleeves. Kuroo pulled out the last pants he had got for the child, light blue jeans that cuffed above the knees where the cuffing was a darker blue. A pair of boxers and also some black socks along with the white shoes that were bottom heavy as the base was bigger than normal shoes you see and were most importantly Velcro, he held it all in his hands and walked over dumping them on the bed. "Hey.. do you wanna dress yourself? Or help?" Kuroo asked looking at kenma, kenma shrugged but he knew he wanted Kuroo to help him. "Ill help you, it'll be quicker and you'll be warm faster." Kuroo said picking up the boxers, slipping them up under the towel before kenma let the warm towel fall to the floor. It was cold as he crossed his arms and rubbed his legs for some warmth, Kuroo slipped Kenmas shirt on and made sure it sat nicely. It was a little big on him almost wanting to slip off his shoulder but it was warm which was all that kenma cared about, Kuroo slipped the pants on next. "Damn it, I should of check the sizing on the clothes you had on when you came in." Kuroo admitted as the pants barely held themself up, kenma pulled the sides and used his legs to stop it sliding down. "A belt could work" Kuroo said standing up, kenma shook his head frightened still holding the sides of the pants up. Kuroo felt really insensitive not bothering to even consider if the boy was scared of them, it clicked as he stepped out and grabbed Kenmas pants he came to the apartment in. The pants were washed and all clean, Kuroo slipped the other pants off and replaced them with the ripped jeans. "That's better, they fit you" Kuroo smiled as he got the socks and placed them on Kenmas feet. He felt all warm having some socks on himself, Kuroo sat him on the bed and put Kenmas shoes on. " All done, looking good!" Kuroo said giving a thumbs up, kenma copied the motion before slipping himself off the bed. "Breakfast now, you hungry?" Kuroo said holding the boys hand to the kitchen, kenma shrugged as he wasn't much of a breakfast person. Lev was in the kitchen making pancakes, kenma let Kuroo pick him up and put him on the seat. They smelt really nice but still the thought of eating something right now made him pout, Kuroo got Kenmas plate and put some of the cooked pancakes on his plate. Kuroo put a little but of maple syrup over the two pancakes before cutting them up, Kuroo placed the plate in front of kenma. The boy screwed his face up which quickly turnt to a pout, he just wanted a fruit squeeze and some juice. " Here, hold this" Kuroo said helping kenma hold the fork correctly, kenma pouted more and shook his head putting it down as soon as Kuroo pulled his hand away. Kenma poked the pancakes and stuck his tongue out in distaste wiping his maple finger on his clothes, he grabbed his sippy which had been filled with apple juice and sat back sucking on the sippy while looking at his plate. "Kenma, you have to eat" Kuroo said pushing the plate closer. Kenma lowered his head, he hated eating if he didn't enjoy the food. Kuroo picked up the fork and held it to Kenmas mouth, kenma tilted his head away with a small lip pout. Lev walked around to in front of the stubborn boy and looked him in the eyes, kenma shifted uncomfortably at the stare. He opened his mouth a tiny bit looking at Kuroo, he managed to slip some pancake in. The texture was too much, he chewed and spat it out leaning over the plate. He took his shirt and wiped his tongue on it as he shivered, Lev could see it wasn't the taste of the food for the most part but the texture of the food as he struggled with oatmeal the day before. He liked consistency in the food, not chunks which is why he loved the pasta so much as the cheese and pasta shared the same texture. Also when eating the sandwich he pulled it apart and ate the ham first then the bread, and maple syrup was just a texture he didn't like in general. "Yuck.. don't spit it back up" Kuroo said as he scrunched his nose up, kenma pouted pushing it away again. "Hold on let me try something" Lev said as he grabbed a pancake with nothing on it and gave it to him whole in his hand, kenma took a good look at the pancake before licking it. He gave one of his happy wiggles and took a bite of the pancake and chewed it up without spitting it up, Kuroo smiled. "See that's better, I didn't know you didn't like the maple syrup bud" Kuroo said pulling the plate away from kenma as he was satisfied with the plain pancake, Lev was pleased with himself. "Kuroo, I need to borrow you in the hall." Lev said rufferling Kenmas hair on the way past, Kuroo stood up and followed. "What is it?" Kuroo said concerned, Lev crossed his arms and laid his back against the wall. "He's displaying autistic traits" Lev mumbled quietly, Kuroo gave a confused look. "Really?" Kuroo said surprised, Lev nodded "I've noticed a couple of things, for one he doesn't like certain food textures which is why he spat the pancake out when it had maple on it, he's picky with what he eats and I see he has safe foods. Another thing is his delayed speech, he doesn't talk much and when he does he has a heavy lisp. May I also add he didn't understand when we joke to eachother, he takes everything serious. The fact I see him comfort himself by rocking or fidgeting with his hands, that's common in autistic children. The more I think about it I think it's actually level 1 autism which is still listed under autism but he struggles more with the social side of things, I know he's got some pretty strong interest at a young age too. He's obsessed with the games on my phone, more than any child would. Not to mention that bedwetting is more common in children with autism, he hasn't had it easy at all." Lev sighed out, Kuroo nodded noticing all that kenma did made more and more sense to him. "But about the bed wetting, it's certainly more than one trigger. He holds it in a lot instead of saying something, Maybe it's a shyness thing but he might not even notice he's doing it until it's a little too late, which can be a trait in austism as they have trouble picking up on signals thier body is sending them. That's day wetting though which he's only done once but that's because we didn't pick up on it before him, I'm sure of it. Bed wetting in autism is from an imbalance in hormones, but I think it's more than that. He's got bruises and we know he didn't self inflict them, it's abuse. Lots of people wet the bed from abuse past and present, it's more common in teens and children but still." Lev blurted out, it was a lot of information to process as Kuroo nodded understanding it a little better. "How do we help tha-" Kuroo started but felt a tug at the bottom of his shirt, he looked down to see kenma holding his sippy cup up at Kuroo. "Mhm apple.." Kenma spoke softly unsure of what the men were talking about as he was too distracted by one of his obsessions being apple of any kind, Kuroo bent down and looked at the sippy. "For starters we need to cut down on giving him so much juice, he's obsessed with it. It needs to be a reward so he wants to reach his goals, he's had enough for now Kuroo" Lev said sternly, Kuroo sighed as kenma continued to hold up the sippy cup softly waving it around with big eyes. "Not yet bud, later" Kuroo said softly, kenma pouted and dropped the sippy to the ground. He rubbed his teary eyes, it's all he wanted. "Now now, chin up. You'll get your juice" Lev said picking up the sippy as kenma refused the look up, lev stayed bent down and looked kenma in the eyes "you can have juice if you're able to not have an accident from holding it too long" Lev said with a smile, kenma didnt lift his head as he tightened his hand into a fist as it shook softly. He wanted juice so badly but was scared he wouldn't be able to keep his end up of the deal. Kenma gave a huff and nodded, it was worth a try. Kuroo smiled and bent down petting Kenmas head. "You can have water in your sippy instead for now" Lev told kenma, he put a hand out to take the sippy but kenma refused shaking his head. Kenma didn't want anything more in his sippy, he would wait until he got the deserved apple juice. Kuroo stood back up and looked at Lev, he needed to buy applepie like he promised the boy. "Can he stay with you while I go to the shops?" Kuroo asked, Lev shook his head. "No can do, I got work" Lev said checking the time, Kuroo looked down at kenma. "I need to pick up a few things at the shop, you gotta come with" Kuroo told him, kenma looked up and nodded. Kenma didn't go out very much so it was a little exciting, he hadn't thought it might be overwhelming. Lev walked past Kuroo brushing thier shoulders past eachother "consider the drynites" Lev whispered walking out the room, kenma threw the sippy to the ground not needing it if he was going to the shops. Kuroo sighed and picked it up, he wanted to go now so they would be back before it got too busy. "Right kenma, do you need the bathroom bef-" Kuroo was cut off by a quick blunt "no" from kenma, he didn't need to go at all. What he needed was to go to the shops, the few times he went he was only allowed in the shopping cart and couldn't go near anything. He was a big boy now he told himself as Kuroo held his hand opening the door and taking kenma out to the car, kenma let Kuroo buckle him in and looked out the window not being able to see much. Kuroo made sure the childlock was on before closing the door, Kuroo got in and started the car before buckling up and driving. Kenma really was excited to leave the apartment, he twisted the bottom of his shirt as he waited paiently for them to arrive. Once they got to the shop, kenma slipped his seat belt and tried to open the door even before Kuroo was finished parking. Kuroo glanced back at kenma trying to open the door, he hit the brakes mid park. Kenma yelped and fell to the floor of the car, Kuroo quickly finished parking and turned the car off. Looking back Kuroo watched kenmas hand reach up trying to get up, he wiggled and pushed himself back up with a huff. Kuroo gave a sigh of relief, kenma leaned into the front with his hair still in his face. Kuroo watched kenma pant "that was dangerous kenma, please keep your seatbelt on and don't try and open the doors." Kuroo told him, kenma pushed his hair back out of his face and nodded. Kuroo gave a little smile, the boy seemed to be coming out of his shell more. Kuroo got out the car and went to Kenmas door, the boy was bouncing on the seat as his hands stimmed by shaking them in front of him. Kuroo could tell the younger was excited, he opened the door to which kenma jumped out and went to run. Kuroos eyes widened as he grabbed the collar of Kenmas shirt yanking him back to Kuroo. He shut and locked the car, he bent down and grabbed both of the boys hands. Kenma looked down at Kuroo holding both his hands and frowned, he looked up noticing Kuroo wasn't going to talk to him until he did. Once kenma looked up Kuroo started to lay out some rules "Okay kenma, you can't run off. You'll get lost, it's too dangerous so you need to hold my hand or go in the shopping cart." Kuroo told him firmly, kenma pouted his lip and shook his head. Kenma did not want the shopping cart, he wanted to walk so he could touch. "N-no cart" kenma mumbled out, Kuroo got up and held kenmas hand walking them into the shop. Kuroo grabbed a shopping cart, he noticed he couldn't push it and hold the boys hand. "Kenma, hold onto the cart, don't let it go" Kuroo told him, kenma quickly grabbed the side of the shopping cart. He started going down the first aisle, looking at his list for just a second. He looked up as he heard a crunch, his eyes widened as he quickly grabbed kenma. He had grabbed a packet of banana chips and opened them, it was too late as he started eating them. Kuroo grabbed the bag making kenma hiss and reach for it "mine!" Kenma shouted as he jumped for the bag, it made people look which embarrassed Kuroo a little. He put the banana chips in the shopping cart and bent down grabbing both Kenmas hands once again. "Kenma, we have to pay for the food first. You can't open it in the shops, you shouldn't touch anything on the shelves." Kuroo scolded, he felt he should of mentioned not to touch anything. Kenma clenched his fist and put his head down pulling his hands away, he was angry with himself for doing the wrong thing. The feeling of disappointing Kuroo got to him, he rubbed at his eyes and started to tear up. Kuroo quickly pulled kenma for a hug " Its okay it's okay, you didn't mean to do the wrong things. No more touching, okay mister?" Kuroo said, kenma grabbed onto Kuroo and nodded. He told himself not to do anything silly like that again, he was afraid Kuroo would punish him if he were to mess up again. Kuroo gave a small sigh as kenma nodded, the younger pulled himself away and looked up at Kuroo. Kuroo stood up and started to push the cart again, to his surprise he felt something grab onto the bottom of his shirt, he smiled to see kenma had picked to hold onto him instead of the cart. Kuroo felt better knowing he could now tell if kenma wandered off, kenma fidgeted with the bottom of Kuroos shirt as he walked. Kuroo started putting some things in the shopping cart, kenma just watched interested as he waited for Applepie to be added to the cart. As the were walking something caught Kenmas eye, a toy phone that looked brightly coloured and had a mirror for a screen making him stop in his tracks. Kuroo felt kenma stop as his shirt tugged, he followed Kenmas eyes to the toy he seemed to be completely mesmerized by. Kuroo picked it up, it looked to be more of a baby you when kenma was 4. " You want this? It's kinda a toy for babies.." Kuroo told the boy, Kenmas eyes widened and nodded lots as Kuroo asked if he wanted it. Kenma didn't care that it was a baby looking toy, it was a phone to him and that's all the mattered. Kuroo took another look at the toy phone then back to kenma, he hadn't seen kenma that caught up by something as he bounced on the spot looking at the toy. Kuroo caved and put it in the shopping cart, the boy needed more toys in the apartment anyway. Kenma squealed and held onto Kuroos shirt tighter, it made Kuroo smile to see him happy " hmm, it's for kenma. I need you to be good for the rest of the shopping, I'll give it to you in the car." Kuroo told him as he continued to shop, kenma nodded bouncing a bit in his step. Kuroo got everything they needed apart from the applepie and drynites, Kuroo stopped by the drynites and looked down at the Kenma, he went to grab them when kenma pulled him back with a hiss. "Nuh uh!" Kenma said in a whispered shout, Kuroo looked down and frowned at the boy. "Its okay, it's just incase" Kuroo tried to reason but kenma wasn't having it, he didn't need those things. He hated them, he hated the feeling and the idea of them. Kenma was a big boy he told himself, sure he wanted the baby phone but that was completely different! He thought to himself. Kuroo sighed and kept walking, he didn't want kenma having a melt down in the middle of the shops and decided to give him another chance. Kenma stopped fussing as they walked away from the aisle, looking back at them and poking his tounge out. Kuroo pushed the cart to the cold section to get some frozen applepie, kenma let go of Kuroo and pressed himself up against the glass door pointing to the pies and bouncing on the spot "ah ahh ah!" Kenma said turning to Kuroo to make sure he saw them, kenma didn't want him to forget about them. Kuroo nodded and opened the door grabbing a box once kenma got off the door, he put them in the cart as kenma clapped his hands and continued to bounce. Kuroo gently grabbed Kenmas hand and got the boy to hold his shirt again, as they were walking to check out kenma held his tongue out and panted. Kuroo looked down at the boy, he tended to act like a cat sometimes hissing and panting or biting. Kenma pointed to his tongue, it was dry and he was thirsty from walking around so much. Kuroo bent down to kenma, he raised an eyebrow and waited for kenma to use his words. Kenma shut his mouth and glanced away from Kuroos eyes, he knew he had to use his words. "Fisrsty..." Kenma whispered as he fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt, Kuroo smiled and petted the boys head. " Okay, I'll get you a drink" Kuroo told him, kenma lit up and nodded happily. Kuroo went over and looked at the cold drinks, they had a look at them. Kenma pointed straight to the same energy drink Lev had the other day, Kuroo shook his head "noo not that one" Kuroo told him, kenma nodded "mhm is wevs" kenma explained to Kuroo making him smile at the boy, he was glad kenma had tried to make conversation. Kuroo looked at the drinks, there were sodas which he wasn't giving kenma. The water bottles looked a bit big for kenma to carry, he looked at the small apple juice poptop. It was small enough for kenma to carry and he wouldn't spill it in the car. Kuroo found himself cave and grab the apple juice for kenma and a water bottle for himself. Kenma bounced on the spot, he was so happy kuroo got the apple juice for him. "We gotta pay for it first" Kuroo reminded him, kenma frowned but nodded grabbing onto the shopping cart. Kuroo put them in the front of shopping cart, he walked and waited in the check out line. Kenma stuck his fingers through the bars of the shopping cart pressing a button on his toy phone, he lit up and bounced up and down as the toy let off a dialing sound. Kuroo smiled, he liked seeing kenma happy. Kenma pressed it a couple more times, he rested his foot on top of the other one. The phone was very exciting and he couldn't wait to have it out the cart and packaging, he took little steps on the spot as he continued to try and play with it through the bars. Kuroo raised an eyebrow at Kenmas movements, watching his feet step around and occasionally rest on top of eachother. "Kenma" Kuroo said shaking kenma from his distraction, kenma looked up and fidgeted with the bars on the shopping cart. " You okay?" Kuroo asked, kenma took a moment and shook his head. His feet were hurting from walking and standing so much, he let go of the cart and went up to Kuroo holding his arms up to the elder. Kuroo looked down as he leaned down and picked kenma up, placing him in the front of the shopping cart. Kenma let out a small 'ah' as Kuroo picked him up and put him in the baby seat of the cart, he leaned forward putting his hand on the carts handle next to Kuroos hands. Kuroo smiled and pushed the cart forward, kenma swung his legs softly as they dangled. Kuroo started packing up the groceries, kenma hummed and watched his own legs swing. Once the banana chips were scanned Kuroo handed them back to kenma, the boy put the packet in his lap and happily swayed his head around as he ate them. They were nice, he liked the crunching noise they made as he munched on the chips. Kuroo finished up paying and packing the food in the shopping cart and pushed it out the way for the next person. He opened his water bottle he got and took a sip, kenma held his hands out wanting it as well as he still chewed on the dried banana chips. Kuroo gave it to the boy, kenma took it with both hands and started chugging it. Kuroo gently pried it away after he thought kenma had enough, he held the water bottle up infront of him to see a ton of backwash floating around the bottle from Kenmas chips. He sighed "thanks.. You made me a snowglobe.." Kuroo said a little unimpressed, kenma took heavy breathes trying to catch his breath back from drinking without taking a break to catch some air. Kenma nodded and smiled wiping his mouth not understanding Kuroos joke about it looking like a snowglobe, Kuroo opened Kenmas drink and gave it to him. Kenma snatched it and started to drink it tilting his head up, Kuroo gave a soft sigh. They still had some manners to work on "don't tell Lev, it's just a treat" Kuroo told kenma, the boy nodded and took a breath holding the drink to his chest. Kuroo pushed the cart out to the car, putting the waterbottle in a bin on the way past. Kenma waited paiently, swinging his legs while he ate the banana chips. Kuroo packed the car, finally he pushed the cart back to return it. Kuroo picked kenma up and out of the seat of the cart, kenma held on tightly to his drink and food. Setting kenma on the ground Kuroo held Kenmas arm and walked him back to the car, kenma looked down at his own feet as he walked. Once back to the car Kuroo helped kenma into the backseat, giving back Kenmas drink and food before clipping his seatbelt on. Kenma frowned slightly looking down at the seatbelt, it hurt his lower tummy a little bit. "Don't take it off" Kuroo warned him, kenma sunk low in the seat and nodded before pushing himself to sit up again. Kuroo got in the front and started to unbox the toy phone, kenma bounced and stimmed his hands in excitement. Kuroo smiled and handed it back to kenma, the boy grabbed it and looked over all the buttons completely engaged with the toy. Kuroo smiled and buckled up starting the car, he started to drive as he heard the toy making noises. Kenma would make excited noises back after it would finish before pressing another button. Kenma squealed really loudly as the cat button made the phone meow, Kuroo almost jumped because of how high pitch the sqeual was. He gave a weak smile as kenma kept pressing the button over and over again, he meowed back at the phone and giggled as he shifted around in his seat. Kenma accidently missed the cat button and pressed the dog one, it barked aggressivly "eeaah!" Kenma let out as he threw the phone down to the floor of the car, the loud bark caught him off guard. Kuroo chuckled a little and kept his eyes on the road, he didn't know just how much the loud barking scared kenma. The boy stared with wide eyes looking blankly, he had the trembles as he kept his hands up exactly in the same position after throwing the phone down. His breaths picked up as his chest started to rise and fall quickly, he felt his legs press together before going weak. He lowered his gaze not moving his head, he could feel his pants go warm as his jaw felt locked open from the cry he let out when the noise scared him. Kuroo caught a glance back at the trembling boy "awh.. sorry it scared you bud" Kuroo said, "a-i-ah" kenma stuttered out, he didn't know he was holding it but it was too late now. He felt the wetness spread across his crotch and thighs, once he finished he was finally able to relax his body again putting his arms down to his lap and closing his mouth. He wasn't hungry or thirsty anymore, he was uncomfortable and wet sitting in his puddle. Kuroo had noticed the silence in the back " Its okay, I'll pick it up and give it back. Almost home." Kuroo told kenma, he gave a quick nod and kept his hands over his lap pushing the banana chips and drink to beside him. He was shocked he had wet himself in Kuroos car, he knew it was naughty and he was gonna be in trouble. Kenma lowered his head and started to tremble, he let the tears fall from his cheeks wiping away at them. Kuroo frowned " Its okay, you can have it back soon." Kuroo reassured, he thought kenma was upset about losing the toy. Kenma started to sob and rub his eyes, Kuroo pulled into the garage and got out going to Kenmas car door. He opened it and sighed as kenma sobbed and rubbed his eyes, Kuroo leaned down grabbing the phone. He unbuckled kenma and started to pick him up "i think it's time for a little nap and.. and you're wet.." Kuroo said as he felt the dampness on his hand from picking kenma up. The boy broke into a louder sob, he was so terrified he couldn't find his words to explain. Kuroo closed the car door and rubbed Kenmas back " Its okay, it was an accident. I should of asked before we got back in the car.. did you know you needed to go pee?" Kuroo asked curiously, kenma pushed his head into Kuroos neck and shook his head letting a heavy cry escape his mouth before pressing his lips together to stop the noise. Kuroo understood "did kenma get a bit distracted?" Kuroo asked unlocking the door, kenma clung to Kuroos shirt and nodded. "Mh....ah.. b-ark woud.." Kenma tried to explain, Kuroo gave a face of realization "oohhh, did the doggy bark scare you?" Kuroo asked, kenma wiped his eyes on Kuroos shirt and nodded. Kuroo gave a small smile, it made sence since the bark was loud and caught him off guard. "Its okay, let's get you cleaned up." Kuroo told him, kenma nodded and held on tight as Kuroo carried him to his room. He put kenma down and handed him the phone, kenma took it with hesitation and started clicking the number buttons. Kuroo let out a hum and looked for some clothes for kenma, he grabbed out some sweatpants for kenma and boxers. Lev must of packed them back in Kuroos cupboard for kenma, he didn't remember buying gray sweatpants for the boy. There was more clothes than he bought, he shrugged it off and grabbed out a pair of boxers with the sweatpants. Kuroo bent down and started to pull kenmas pants down, kenma gasped "nuh!" He hissed out, his thighs hurt and he wanted to do it himself. He threw the toy phone at Kuroos head, he fell back onto his butt and held over the area the phone hit. "Ouch! Hey... that wasn't nice kenma." Kuroo told him, kenma frowned and teared up again rubbing his eyes. A nap was much overdue, the shops must of been a lot to handle. Kuroo didn't even think about how all the noises and walking had made kenma become overwhelmed and exhausted now he had time to progress the trip. Kuroo got up leaving the clothes on the ground, "you can do it if you want bud, just tell me next time" Kuroo said walking out the room. Kenma rubbed his eyes dry, he took his shoes off kicking them away. It felt really good to get the shoes off, he didn't like the restricted feeling they gave. Kenma got himself dressed, he rubbed his eyes and picked the toy phone back up. Kuroo finished bringing in the bags of food and headed in to put the boy down for a nap, kenma couldn't stop rubbing his eyes because he felt tired. Kuroo bent down infront of kenma, the boy looked up and pouted seeing he bruised Kuroos head. " Its rest time bud" Kuroo told him softly, kenma nodded and yawned. He walked over to Kuroos bed, he felt too tired to pull himself up so instead he let himself plop down and lay on the floor closing his eyes almost falling asleep. Kuroo smiled and shook his head, he gently picked kenma up and laid the boy down pulling the blankets over him. Kenma breathed softly holding the new toy close to his chest, Kuroo still put Kenmas stuffed cat toy close beside the boy incase he woke and wanted it. He slowly exited the room picking the wet clothes up on the way out, he left the door open a little sighing now he was in the clear. He rubbed his head while putting the washing on, the plastic phone sure had a punch to it. Kuroo went to the kitchen and put the food away, he still felt bad about everything that happened. He still needed to clean the car from Kenmas food crumbs and urine, he grabbed some cleaning supplies and headed out the the car. He put the banana chips and apple juice drink in a plastic rubbish bag to hide the evidence from Lev, he cleaned the seat up and closed the door going back inside throwing the rubbish bag in the bin and putting the cleaning supplies away. He had to say apart from the boy opening the packet in the shop and fussing about Kuroo trying to buy drynites for the boy kenma did really well, he didn't run away in the shop which was Kuroos biggest fear he had for kenma. He checked the time, Lev would be home soon meaning he got to have a break. Kuroo ended up making a chicken wrap for kenma and a salad wrap for himself, putting Kenmas away for when he woke up. As he was eating he heard footsteps, before he knew it the boys head was leaning on him. Kuroo looked down and petted the boys messy hair, kenma kept the toy phone in his hands looking up at him. Kuroo smiled and stood up, putting the boy in the chair beside him. He got out the chicken wrap he made for kenma, the boy yawned and unwrapped it looking at the chicken. He was glad to see no sauce on it, picking up the chicken and eating it slowly. Kuroo sat next to the freshly woken boy, eating his wrap it was nice and quiet. The front door unlocked and opened, it made kenma tense up and grip the food in his hand tighter. Kuroo watched kenma "It's okay, Lev is back" Kuroo told him, hearing it was someone he knew made him relax again and yawn pushing the fistful of food into his mouth as it opened. Lev put his stuff down and walked in to the kitchen where the boys ate at the table, he went straight to kenma and petted the boys head being able to tell he had just woken up. " How did we go shopping?" Lev asked running his hands through Kenmas hair standing behind him to fix his hair up a bit, kenma closed his eyes calmly and continued to eat the chicken chewing slowly. Kuroo finished his last bite of food nodding and swallowing "good yeah, we did alright" Kuroo told him, kenma nodded once in agreement. Lev looked over the boy seeing the toy phone held to his chest "ah you got your own phone now" Lev pointed out, the boy nodded softly and picked the wrap up biting it. "It was the only thing he wanted, well.. apart from the banana chips he opened in the middle of the shop when I looked away" Kuroo told him, Lev smiled thinking about that happening. Lev sat down at the table next to kenma as Kuroo stood up with his plate "Hey, I know you just got back from work but can you keep an eye on him for a bit?" Kuroo asked, he was a little tired but needed to catch up on some paperwork from work. Lev nodded "sure, we will be fine" Lev told him, Kuroo gave a thankful nod and put the plate in the sink. "Ill be in my room, you be good" Kuroo told kenma, the boy gave a short hum to say yes as he chewed on the wrap.

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