Chp 20: Cause and effect

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It was a tense thirty hours before Ron and Hermione woke up. The others took turns sitting by the bed they’d been placed on, watching over them. Severus had gathered Harry up and carried him personally to the master bedroom where Harry had slept over the holidays. Early Saturday morning, Draco went to trade places with Neville, taking his turn as watcher. He paused at the doorway, looking at the quiet Gryffindor. No one really knew what had happened to Neville’s magic during the spell, it was hoped that Harry or Fawkes would be able to enlighten the others once they woke up. Meanwhile, it was obvious to all that Neville Longbottom had changed.

“Neville…” he stopped when the Gryffindor stiffened. “What?”

“You’ve never said my name before,” Neville replied softly, not turning to look at the other man.

Draco hesitated. “I’m sorry Neville. There’s a lot of things I haven’t done before that I should have, and I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. Do you think that if we’re going to be working together, we could be friends?”


“Look, I know how horrible I was to you over the years. I’m really sorry. Please, just give me a chance; let me show you that I’ve changed.” The once-haughty Malfoy heir didn’t know why he was pursuing this, but some instinct made him keep trying.

“No Malfoy, I don’t think we can be friends,” Neville’s voice was flat and his eyes dead as he finally turned to face the blond. He stood up and made to walk out the door.

Draco’s body never connected to his brain, he just moved without thought, grabbing the shy Gryffindor and pushing him up against the wall. “Why not?” He was unsure why he was so desperate to make amends with Neville; he just knew that he had to. It was only after he had the man pinned against the door that he realized what he’d done. “Oh, gods, Neville, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to grab you; I don’t know why I did that.”

Perversely, Neville seemed to take heart from his actions. He lifted his hand to cup Draco’s face. “I don’t think that I could just be friends with you, Draco. If you figure out why you can’t let me walk away, you come find me and we’ll talk.” With that, he gently pushed the stunned Slytherin away and left the room, heart pounding; shocked at his daring, and knowing that he would never have been able to do such a thing a mere day ago.

In the room, Draco stood staring at the door where Neville had just disappeared. The blood thundered through his veins and his head spun as he slowly placed his hand on his cheek where the other’s had lain just a minute before. “What is going on?” he whispered to himself.

   ------------------- ~♥~ -------------------
Down the hall, in Harry’s room, Severus watched over his mate. His senses told him that the young man was merely exhausted, and would be fine once he woke up, but the absence of ‘Harry’ through the bond was making his instincts howl. His vampire needed his la’aka, and nothing would be right in the world until he had him back.

“Severus? Are you well?” The wolf’s quiet words intruded on his thoughts.

“I…” he cleared his throat. “There is no reason for you to be concerned. I am fine.”

Remus looked at his old school mate carefully. With his heightened senses he could smell the distress on the man. “Is Harry…?”

“No!” The abrupt denial started them both. Severus took a deep breath and got himself under control. “Harry is fine. It is … the nature of our bond. I find myself … uncomfortable without the touch of his consciousness.” And why he was admitting this to the werewolf who nearly killed him all those years ago, he had no idea.

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