Chp 19: The newest member of the circle

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Severus, too wiped out to care, waved his hand in his Godson’s direction. “Just obliviate him.”

“Don’t you dare!” screamed the outraged blond.

Harry tactfully summoned a blanket to wrap around his mate before standing them both up. “Sev’rus, go and have a warm bath, I’ll take care of this, I promise.”

Normally the proud man would have objected, but for now, still reeling from the frenzied lovemaking and his narrow escape, he merely nodded, content to do as his la’aka asked. Harry brushed their lips together in a gentle caress and then gave his mate a soft push towards the bathroom. He watched; worry creasing his face at Severus’ hunched shoulders.

Draco, who had been watching the whole thing with his wand tightly gripped in his hand shifted, drawing Harry’s attention back to him. “You will not obliviate me Potter,” he snarled.

Harry gestured and Draco’s wand flew out of his hand and across the room. “Do you really think that you could stop me, Malfoy?” he asked tiredly. “I will not allow you to leave this room with this knowledge, not when my mate’s safety is at stake.”

“Mate? Severus is your mate? What are you? Since when? What’s going on?!” the plaintive cry in the blond’s voice brought a small smile to Harry’s face. Seeing it, Draco brought himself back under control. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you Potter.” Thinking back over what he had just witnessed, his knees buckled at the strength of an epiphany, sending him to the floor. “Merlin, he’s in love with you too.” His dazed face stared unseeingly up at Harry, pleading with his ex-rival. “Potter, what’s going on? An hour ago my Godfather hated you like always, but not ten minutes ago I saw the two of you scorch the air around you with the hottest sex I’ve ever seen! And you have wings! Why do you have wings? And you keep calling Sev your mate, and he hasn’t hexed you!”

Harry stared at him in consideration, a little worried at how distressed the blond sounded. “You have two choices Draco. As someone who I feel could be a good friend and a powerful ally, I’ll pay you the courtesy of letting you decide what will happen. Your first option is that I obliviate you and everything goes back the way it was. The other option is you swear allegiance to me and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Choose; choose now.”

His mind racing, Draco pondered his choices. Every finely-honed Slytherin instinct in him said that Potter was going to win the war. He personally had no desire to follow a madman, no matter what his father chose. Put that way, he realized that he’d already made his choice. Climbing to his knees, he faced the tall ex-Gryffindor.

“I, Draconis Lucius Malfoy, hereby swear allegiance to Harry Potter as long as there is breath in my body and magic in my wand. Both are yours to call upon in times of need.” His oath mark flared into being at Harry’s murmured ‘Pax Volutae’.

Like the sun appearing from behind storm clouds, Harry smiled at the newest member of his circle. “Welcome, Draco. I’ll explain everything to you, but would you please wait while I see to my mate’s needs?”

“Maybe you could put some clothes on at the same time,” was the response.

Suddenly realizing that he hadn’t dressed earlier, Harry grinned. “Sorry Draco, it just doesn’t bother me anymore, didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“You didn’t embarrass me, but sooner or later Uncle Sev is going to recover from whatever happened tonight, and I don’t think he’ll be too happy with the thought of me ogling you,” he said dryly.

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