Chp 13: Whiskey fueled encounters

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“Severus Salazar Snape?” He groaned at the sight that met his eyes.

“You!” Harry leapt to the side to avoid being knocked out by a haphazardly thrown book. “You bastard!” Another book. While his mate was searching for a third projectile, Harry took the opportunity to drink in the sight before him.

By the looks of his unsteady movements and the mostly-empty bottle of whisky clutched in his free hand, Severus was obviously drunk. He was also nearly naked, something which Harry was quite appreciative of. The drunken man had stripped off his robes and shoes, leaving him in only his second-skin leather trousers and barefoot. An involuntary whimper broke free from Harry’s lips at the sight of more of his mate’s creamy skin than he had ever seen before. He ran a covetous gaze over the beautiful body, frowning at the dark blemish staining his left forearm in an unwelcome reminder of his a’ashi’s servitude. He was so distracted by his contemplation that he didn’t see the shoe coming at him until it hit him full in the face.

“Oomph. Severus! Severus, calm down.” He dodged a pillow. “Stop throwing things at me!”

“Oh, Harry Bloody Potter wants me to stop throwing things does he? Well, we should all bow down to the wishes of Harry Bloody Potter!” Taking another swig from his bottle, Severus got unsteadily to his feet and staggered towards the couch. He’d only managed three steps before falling over his own feet and sprawling over the rug in front of the fireplace. Unfortunately, this put him near more possible missiles.

Harry was soon ducking to avoid the objects lobbed in his direction. “Enough!” he roared. With a single leap, he crossed the room and pinned his mate to the floor.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner who I was,” he snarled. “I’m sorry that you’re upset. But I’m not sorry that I’m your mate or that I deceived you in the first place. You never would have bothered to get to know me if you had known before this. You would have wrapped your ignorance and blind hatred around you like a shroud and condemned us both.”

Severus tried to scowl menacingly at his words, but it came out more like a pout, which his mate found adorable. Moving before he could think, Harry leant down and kissed his mate gently. “Damn you Sev’rus, why must you always do things the hard way?” he murmured softly.

The intoxicated older vampire just blinked back up at him in astonishment, touching his own lips with his fingers. “You kissed me. Harry Potter kissed me.”

Harry felt his anger boil over. “You idiot, what does it matter? I was never the spoiled, arrogant golden child that you thought I was. Think! We’ve gotten to know each other fairly well over the last month. I know we can be happy, but you have got to let go of this useless grudge you have!”

“I’ll do whatever I want … to do. An’ you can’t stop me. I can hate you if I wan’ to. So there.” Severus, far too drunk to care, scowled up at his mate, slurring his words. Distractedly, he nuzzled the younger man’s neck. “You smell good. Like rain. An' air.”

Harry tensed, his attention instantly on their relative positions. “Fucking hell Sev’rus. Stop that before you make me do something you’ll regret in the morning.” His voice rose an octave on the last word as his drunken mate shifted, wrapping his legs around Harry’s waist and putting them solidly groin to groin while he licked his neck. As one they groaned from the heavenly feeling of their arousals grinding together, separated by only a few thin layers of clothing. Harry burned everywhere their skin touched; his body more than ready to complete the bonding right then and there, but what little mind he still possessed rebelled. The Potions Master was intoxicated, and his reasoning impaired; if Harry allowed himself to get carried away and claim what was his, the man would never forgive him.

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