-Chapter 4-[ surprised ]-

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[look at jay behind]

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[look at jay behind]

[look at jungwon behind -skksjkjksjkj they are so funny ]

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[look at jungwon behind -skksjkjksjkj they are so funny ]


Jungwon went to back to his life, but he misses jay in every bit ,cause his everyday , every minute revolved around Jay. Now his lifes feel empty ,

Jungwon lived alone near the university .He opened the window , beside his bed to get some fresh airs, even the room he is staying contains tons of memory of Jay . It was the weekend , after a stressful week at the student council . He could finally breathe .

Sunoo called him, " hey , u awake ? "

" yes , just woke up "  jungwon says .

"want to come in campus today, lets go have fun ?"  Sunoo says

" i am kind of tired ,today ; sorry i don't feel like going out " Jungwon replies

Sunoo was worried about his friend who was depressed , he wanted jungwon  to be cheerful , shinning , smiling with dimples like he used to do .

" it's okay just call me if you need something , !" Sunoo says as he cutt off the line.


Jungwon arrived at the Student council greeted him as he was kinda famous for being the student Council president who is also pretty.

Sunoo was also a part of student Council,  he waved at jungwon when he arrived.  The other members Were already around him about different works
Jungwon knew he had too much work and workload was increasing as the campus festival was right at the corner,  and jungwon himself was in charge of it.

After a week of rest, Jay finally comes back in the campus, his basketball team.

"Yo, captain you back " saying nicholas pulled him for a bro fist.

"Yes i am back totally fine " jay says

" we were missing out and lost 2 matches because our ace player was missing ", a player said

" it's okay, i am back so Won't let u all slack off " jay screams 

After hours of practise, Jay came to sit in the shade,  sweats falling down Through his neck, and forhead. He grabbed a bottle of water. And finished it in one go,  then he noticed  that some players were arguing.
Jay interrupted,  " Chill y'all, what happened? "

"Oh, Jay why don't you go to the student  Council, you are close with Jungwon" nicholas exclaimed.

"Jungwon? Who i- " jays words were cut off when nicholas handed him a piece of paper

"Go get the permission seal, from the student Council ,so that we can play tournament next week " nicholas said

" oh, okay " jay said

" why were they even fighting ?its not a hard work " jay said

"no , they were fighting on who will go there ?" nicholas replied

" what ?why ?" jay said

" yes , because they wanted to see the student council president  "- nicholas added," the president is said to be very pretty , but i doubt  he is  here today ! he's very busy and it's already afternoon"

" oh , so its a 'he' " jay said .

Jay stood infront of the student council room, it was already dark, the light was on , so he thought someone might still be here , he opened the door sliding  the handle ,

A person was holding a stack of paper, seeing jay he dropped all the things he had in his hand

"are you okay , did i scare you ?",  jay speaks out .

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