Night Terrors

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I still suffer from the night terrors in the raw dark of 4am, I dream you're here amidst the mayhem
My still lover, running away from my errors and the floors that I can't fix, windows I bordered - hoping it would stick
Merely, I'm a victim and clearly unwinning against the odds and the things you used to swear
Rarely, I may wonder how it could've been if you would've been the one string untethered from my fears

I still suffer from the night you left her, abandoned little me who sought love at 4am, I still dream you're here amidst the mayhem
My ill lover, casting me away since we were together and the flaws that he exhibits, I can't fix but I die trying and hope something clicks
Dearly, I mean it, every word I told you in those first few months and the things I used to swear
I'm nearly wondering how this could've continued if I had done things I do now that I didn't do for you - the one who'll always be there

I still suffer from the night terrors in the raw dark of 4am, I dream you're here, oh
My still lover, running away from me and the floors I keep tryna fix, honour I slaughtered - hoping it would be enough for him
Merely, I'm a victim and unwinning against the things you used to swear
Rarely, I may wonder how it could've been if our ties remained untethered

I still suffer from the night you left her, abandoned me who sought love, I still dream and you keep me awake
My once shill lover cast me away, there are so many flaws which he exhibits, I can't fix shit but I die trying anyway
Dearly beloved, do you think about what I told you in those first few months and the things I used to swear
I'm nearly wondering how this could've continued if I had done things I do now that I didn't do for you - the thought's always in the air

I'm nearly wondering how this could've been if I had done things I do now that I didn't when I was with you

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