Act Two: A Desert Road

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After when Xp stop the car, we all got out and enter our 'Battle stance' Xp using his main book which I like to call Tanked DPS. His blank black shirt and cargo pants became a black vest and pants with Multiple belts around his chest and one on his left leg with a teal trench coat over his attire. The weird part comes in when he grew an extra foot of height and both horns and tail. I think they Xp calling them Sarkaz or something but they resemble more like demons for me. The DPS part comes in when a mini-gun spawn in on his hand and he was carrying it like it was a sack of feathers.

Cupcake is using her support healing book. Her hippy peace shirt was replace was replace with a white hood with holes around the edges. She also had a white tank top, white short-shorts, white sandle and for some reason her hair and eyes change color but she still have a tan skin.She also grew a pair of fox or wolf ears or dog maybe...unsurprisingly white color. Her weapon was a white spear but replace the metal tip with a white gem. One thing to describe her is we will lose her if we go in the snow. Cupcake race is somthing like a wolf thing...I don't know.

Rodin was wearing the same thing the other day but he grew two small brown ears on his head and he is carrying a fucken AWP you lucky bastered. I think his race is a bear but I don't remember what they call themselves. With a sniper by his side, he is using Over-watch book.

As for me, my blue shirt with rip jeans was replace with a red sleeveless shirt with a logo of a local baseball team and black pants but one of them is ripped. A black hat with an oversize pair of headphone, a small backbag tied to my back, and dog tags around my neck. In my inventory, I have a double barrel shotgun, pretty boy pistol which gives me health for any damage I done to my enemies, and a bat on my back. Funny enough, I have baseballs to hit them with in my pockets. I can feel my body entire body changing but I cant see what grew on me. I'm still human I think.

"Ok, whats the plan?" Cupcake said while fixing her shirt

"Rodin get on that building and provide over-watch to everyone." Rodin began running over to I think supposed to be a church bell tower. "Cupcake your with me on rescuing survivors." Cupcake gave a thumbs up and walk towards Xp. "Tay your run and gunning go around the edges of the city and small streets." I gave a nod and began running around looking for enemies to kill.


"Boom Head-shot" I said after running up behind a group of three and pulling the trigger unloading both barrels in the back of one of their head. They quickly turn around but one manage to drop their weapon somehow. I quickly swap to my pistol and unload an entire clip onto him killing him insistently or barley alive either way, he is going to die.

"Listen Kid, you don-" I didn't let him finished to what he is saying as I load my double barrel and unleashed onto his kneecap. "AAAAAAHHHHHH-"

I walk closer to him and shot a few bullets on his arm with my pretty boy pistol which cause him to scream even louder. "Oh what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry?"

"I'll KILL YOU." He then grab my by my ankle. I unload the rest of the clip onto his other arm. The outcome was as expected He let go. Its kinda sad seeing him trying to grab his arm only for I assume a shock of pain restricting him of moving it.

"You know, you play stupid game, win stupid prizes knucklehead."

"ILL KILL YOU, YOU RED FR-" Again, didn't let him finished and killed him. A cruel and inhumane act but they deserved it and the more worked up they get, the more books I get from them. I open the side pouch and pulled out a blue book with a golden picture of a desert. Looking at the title, it said 'Desert Raiders Vol VI'. "Damn...not even a name?" I put the book back and began patrolling the small town or village.

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