"Okay, I'm supporting. This idea is stupid as fuck, but fosters fight for each other. And if this baby means so much to you then I'll be here for whatever support you need."

"Right now I need you to not tell anyone. Quinn already knows but that's where this lie ends. The three of us. Andrews siblings." He says staring into my eyes.

"It ends here." I said nodding. He let out a sigh of relief and then gently shoved me.

"You're stupid to think I didn't consider you my real family." He smiled at me. I threw my arms around him and squeezed him as close as I could to myself. Family and love felt like this.


"I don't know why we even have to argue about this. Seth and I like each other." I repeated to Andy as he scoffed in disbelief.

"I don't want to play this card but, you two are from two absolutely different worlds. He likes building stuff and fixing stuff and you enjoy breaking things down. Do you think Seth breaks things?" He asked as we sat by a water fountain in the center of the mall. Andy purchased a smoothie and was now sucking any and all remains from the large styrofoam cup.

"Opposites attract." I said twirling the top of my straw between my fingers.

"Bullshit! Peyton, talk to me. Why are you doing this? I never imagined your date a science nerd. Science nerds are no fun. They just want to teach all the time!" He exclaimed.

"Seth likes to teach, but only the stuff I'm willing to learn." I smirked at my best friend sipping a vanilla milkshake.

"Ew that's disgusting. I know you don't want to hear this. But I think you should end things with Seth. Before it's the other way around and you get hurt."

"I'm not expecting a long romantic fairytale. Or for us to be someone's relationship goals. I like him and he likes me." I said sipping the last of my drink and tossing it into a nearby trash bin.

"I think you need someone who cares about you just as much as I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt Pey, and if you tell anybody I said this I'll deny it but I love you." Andy smiled at me. His eyes lightened up softening.

"I love you too, Andy." I said ruffling his hair. He swatted my hand away fixing his mess before shaking it out.

"And if that Beverly Hills Steve Urkle thinks he's going to hurt you he's got another thing coming."

"Oh, aren't you my knight in shining armor." I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Yep and don't you forget it." He smirked evil rising in his eyes.

"Okay okay, now why did you really bring me here?" I asked him standing up from the bench we were on.

"Polly Pocket is throwing a party tonight. Everyone will be there. And in all honesty, I've seen your closet and I'm not impressed."

"So this is a shopping trip?" I asked getting slightly excited.

"A few dresses, a pair of shoes. And an outfit for me. I need to woo the ladies." He said.

"So this is really for you?" I asked as we started walking.

"Why do you have to turn everything negative? God hate politician kids." He said walking off.

"Says the politicians kid." I teased following closely behind him. We stopped to find me clothes first. I didn't normally shop at malls. Vintage shops and thrift stores were more my thing. I liked classics. Having an original copy of something nobody cared about meant a lot to me for some reason.

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