I Wish That It Could Be Like That (continuation of Star Crossed)

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if you recognize the title from secret love song

I was listening to that song

Part II of Star Crossed.

Here's the link to part I: https://www.wattpad.com/757891281-solangelo-oneshots-and-au%27s-star-crossed  (By @JustASolangeloStan)

hi, Stan, if you're reading this for some reason,


This is really cringy

So I started writing this forever ago, forgot about it for like four weeks, then remembered and came back to it. So, yeah.



What. A. Mess. It was inevitable, the whole situation balancing on a taut wire, about to snap. Will felt like he'd been holding his breath in silent, suspenseful terror for the two months. Still, he would give up anything in a heartbeat, to keep Nico by his side. The problem was the searchers. They seemed to be everywhere, to the point where Nico and Will couldn't even walk down the freaking street without a ridiculously elaborate disguise. (no fake mustaches, sorry). There had close calls, way-too-close calls for Will's comfort, despite careful observation, even the dark of night seemed to lift to let the sun beam down on Nico like an identifying spotlight. He would not, could not let Nico be found. What kind of father forced his son to marry? (I would have personally made it Reyna instead of Rachel, but whatever).

"It'll be fine," Nico insisted, exasperation finally starting to show through his voice as he tried yet again to reassure an unconvinced Will. "We can't stay in here forever, can we."

"What if you're caught?" Will protested for about the two hundred and fifty second time that week, pacing back and forth. At this pace, he was going to wear a trail of footprints into the wood floor. He knew deep inside that Nico was right, they couldn't hide forever, Nico would be recognized sooner or later, but, 1) Will didn't really want to admit that he was right, and 2) he preferred not to think about what would happen when he was caught. After all, it was Nico who taught him to live in the moment.

"I won't," Nico promised, looking up with those, unreadable, dark eyes behind the crooked, black cat-eye glasses that made up part of his costume. Will fought off a shiver, some part of him slightly annoyed at how the raven-haired man's angelic voice weakened his resolve. (Nico's starting to remind me of Meg, with the glasses...) "I'm good at blending into the shadows." He shoved the too-big glasses back up his nose as they started to slip down again. A hood covered his dark hair, and Will reached forward automatically to brush a stray, silky strand away from his face and tuck it behind his ear, electric still sparking at his fingertips as they made brief contact with Nico's skin.

"But..." Will trailed off with a defeated sigh. He knew he wouldn't be able to convince the stubborn Italian (Yeah, same, Stan, I'm just going to ignore the fact that they're all technically Italian...) not to go. With those volatile eyes, able to turn from distant, cold shards of glass that cut into his soul to an irresistible warmth in seconds, and that maddeningly hypnotic voice, Will just couldn't say no. As a result, Nico nearly always got his way. He affected Will's sense of fair, logical judgement, which he had taken great pride in once. There was no other reasonable explanation for why Will was agreeing to this insanely risky excursion, with his profoundly terrible luck and the firm theory that fate was working against him. "One hour. That's all. One hour." Will finally relented reluctantly anyways, folding his arms in a useless effort to show that Nico didn't have complete control over him.

SUNSHINE + SHADOW !Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang