S4P2 Chapter 43: Wings of Freedom

Start from the beginning

"Two fingers is all I need. It's fine." Levi said

They separated ways with Annie who chose to stay with the Azumabitos on the ship because she never found any reason to fight anymore.

"Are you all fine with this yourselves? Even if we do stop the Rumbling, just think how Eldians would be treated after that." Hange said

"I hate to say it, but you're right. General Magath left us eith one final order though. He said to work together to do what's needed to be done." Pieck said

"Pieck... In that case, I'll gladly ride on the Cart Titan's back and feel the heat of it's body as we-" Hange was cut off by Pieck

"Stop. Why are you acting creepy all of a sudden?" Pieck said

"So, four eyes. Yet another love for a Titan gone unrequited, I see." Levi said

"What a Titan nerd." Y/N said

"We'll be friendly in no time." Hange said

"Hey, Levi. Y/N. Do you think they're all watching us? Will we be able to stand tall among all our dead comrades?" Hange asked

"Don't you start talking like him too." Levi said

"Yeah. I get a bad feeling when someone talks like that." Y/N said

Suddenly, they heard six gunshots. They looked behind them and saw Floch with a gun.

"Damn it!" Y/N shouted and he threw his blade at Floch

The blade hits Floch's neck and he started bleeding a lot.

"Hange! He shot holes in the fuel tank!" Onyankopon shouted

All of them looked at Onyankopon and they were losing hope.

"We can't fly like this!" Onyankopon said

"No, we can manage if we close them." An Azumabito mechanic said

"Set up to weld!" Another Azumabito mechanic shouted and the other mechanics helped him

"How long will it take?" Hange asked

"If we use tin, then about an hour." An Azumabito mechanic said

The Azumabito mechanic was about to pick up a tool, but he noticed it was shaking. The ground also started shaking and loud stomps were heard.

"This..." Y/N said

Reiner ran outside and he saw the Wall Titans marching near them.

"It's here. The Rumbling is here!" Reiner shouted

"Check the engines and start refuelling as soon as you fix the holes!" Y/N shouted

"Yes, sir!" The mechanics replied and they quickly fixed the holes

"Armin... is there anything we can do?" Mikasa asked

"No... this is it... I'll stay behind and slow them." Armin said

"No, not you! You're the only chance we have of stopping Eren! I'll do this!" Reiner said

"Wait, you two. I'll stay behind. We can't use up any of the Titan powers." Y/N said

"You really think I'd let you? It's true we can't let use up any more Titan powers, but we also can't lose an Ackerman." Hange asked

"What?! No! No one, but you can lead them to stop Eren!" Y/N shouted

"I led us all to this point. I kept moving forward, even if it meant killing countless comrades. It's time I take responsibility for that." Hange said

"Get out of my way! Just let me do it!" Y/N shouted

"Sorry, Y/N, but I can't." Hange said

"Why?! There's two more Ackermans and we can't afford to lose a Commander! That's why I'll go!" Y/N said

"Please... just let me... I want to see Petra again..." Y/N said

"You'll see her, Y/N, but now isn't the time for it." Hange said

"Y/N Ackerman, I hereby declare you as 15th Commander of the Survey Corps. Your loyalty and majority of your life was spent in the Survey Corps. Y/N, only you can be the Commander. You may not have that trait right now, but only you can stay composed after all the pain you've been through. I'm leaving them in your hands, Y/N." Hange said

"Then! Why won't you just let me die if you think I've sufffered too much already?" Y/N asked

"Because, you are a crucial person in this mission." Hange said

"But-!" Y/N was cut off by Hange punching him in the stomach

"I hope you'll understand now, Y/N." Hange smiled

"... Okay. I understand it now..." Y/N said

"Heh. All you needed was one punch, right?" Hange laughed

Levi walked to Y/N and Hange.

"I guess, you two are the only oldest members of the Scouts." Hange said

"We still have Lilith..." Y/N said

"That's right!" Hange laughed

"You both understand? It's finally here, you know? It's my turn to shine. I want to look cool as I possibly can. So just let me go, will ya?" Hange asked

"Dedicate your heart..." Levi said

"Hahaha! That's the first time I've ever heard you say that!" Hange laughed

"Hange-san, you've fought well until the very end. I'll stop Eren so that your death won't be in vain." Y/N said

"See you... Y/N. Levi." Hange said

"See you." Y/N replied while he waved his hand at Hange who headed towards the Wall Titans.

Hange swings above the Titans and saw a view from above.

"Ah... Titans... really are incredible..." Hange smiled

Hange started killing the Titans who were heading towards the flying boat.

"It's sealed! Start pouring the fuel!" Onyankopon shouted

"Look how close they are! That's all for the fuel!" The Azumabito mechanic said

"Start the engines!" Onyankopon said

Hange started killing the Titans with her blade and her body caught fire.

They ride the flying boat and started to fly while they watch Hange's burnt body fall.

"We're taking off! Hold on!" Onyankopon who was tearing up said

The Scouts inside the plane except Y/N and Levi started crying.

"That's right, Hange-san... I can't die yet. I still have a mission to fullfill..." Y/N said with a depressed aura around him

"See you, Hange. Keep watching us..." Levi said

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