[back to the queen]

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"so, what now?" astrid asked slowly, making hiccup sigh in response.

the girl glanced over at the two curiously but stayed out of the conversation, looking around at the scenery with a soft smile.

"hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow, you know you're gonna have to kill-" astrid stopped herself and the girl perked up. hiccup hadn't told her about this?

"don't mention it." hiccup sighed sadly

suddenly, toothless perked up, the both of them did, and a low rumble emitted from the dragons chest. "what is it?" astrid asked, only to get shushed by the grey eyed girl who looked around with a glare.

"you heard it too don't you?" she asked toothless who nodded then she swerved to the right, a zippleback appearing from the clouds.

then hundred of different breeds of dragons appeared and the girl turned to her companions. "get down."

they did as she told them and huddled down together, the girl pulling down her mask and glaring at a nadder who got too close.

"you gotta get us out of here, toothless?" hiccup whispered frantically but the two ignored him, flying steadily in the crowd of dragons.

hiccup and astrid mumbled to one another quietly, but she didn't listen, too focused on the hammering in her chest. she was scared but didn't show it as she flew the four of them towards the dragons nest silently. they flew in and the dragons began to throw the food they had into a fiery pit and toothless quickly flew towards a perch, the other dragons doing the same thing.

finally the last dragon flew in, a gronkle, then threw up a tiny fish into the hole.

it burped and went to fly away but the ground rumbled and a giant dragon head with eight eyes and scars all over it's large face jumped up and swallowed the dragon.

the dragons around them cowered back in fear, all accept for toothless who glared heavily at the large dragon.

the dragon caught the girls eye and her eyes narrowed then she roared out spooking all the other dragons into flying away out the top and she lunged at them, trying to snap at toothless who bolted away in fear.


the dragons scurried out of the den in fear and a zippleback got grabbed as the queen lowered herself back into her hole.


"no, i'm right! this totally does make sense!" astrid said as they flew towards the ground of the cove. it was night time now, and hiccup and astrid would have to hurry home for dinner. "it's like a giant bee hive. they're the workers and she's their queen. it controls them!"

toothless gracefully landed, shaking his scales lightly as the three dismounted.

"let's go find your dad!"

"wait, astrid!" hiccup stopped her, grabbing her arms. "no, not yet. astrid, they'll kill both of them. i mean he's a night fury and she's literally the most wanted person on every island in the archipelago." he began to pace on the spot with his head in his hands. "we have to think this through carefully."

"guys, we just discovered the dragon's nest." astrid scoffed, shaking her head as she looked between the two of them. "the thing us vikings have been looking for ever since vikings moved here! and you want to keep it a secret to protect your friend and her pet dragon! are you serious!"

hiccup looked at the girl who stood silently with toothless. she looked sad and slightly guilty.

"yes." hiccup firmly stated.

astrids glare faltered and she looked towards the other girl before nodding and looking back to hiccup. "okay, so what do we do?"

"just, give me till tomorrow." hiccup sighed and astrid nodded. "i can't let anything happen to them."

the blonde nodded and the two stood in silence before astrid swiftly punched his arm.

"ow! what was that for!" hiccup yelled, gripping his arm.

"that, was for kidnapping me." hiccup looked towards the other two of his friends and they both shrugged and he rolled his eyes turning back to astrid.

she sighed before awkwardly hugging him. "and that's for, everything else. come on, we need to get home it's getting late. bye!" she called to the girl who gave a short wave and hiccup turned and smiled at her and she smiled back waving as astrid dragged him off.

as they quickly ran off and she turned to see toothless staring pointedly at her. "w-what are you looking at!?"

the dragon shrugged and smacked his lips before the he turned and walked off with a waddle.

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