[who's the blonde?]

Começar do início

"shhhh, we'll get involve when i deem it the right time." she growled back at him and he nodded, lowering himself to prepare to pounce properly this time.

"listen, astrid, you just...i can't...i don't." hiccup trailed off nervously, pulling himself out of her grip.

toothless stepped on a twig making it snap and the blonde girl turned towards he large bushes the two hid in and shoved hiccup to the ground making toothless swish his tail angrily, the bushes shaking.

she gasped and shoved hiccup to the floor out of her way and toothless growled loudly, loosing it and jumping out of the bushes.

she grumbled and leapt out too, hitting the axe the girl threw at toothless with her sword making it fall to the ground before she punched the blonde girl in the jaw harshly.

astrid fell to the floor and grumbled, standing up and swiping at the girls feet. she jumped and kicked astrid in the stomach making her grunt and fall backwards. the fight nearly went further but hiccup stopped the two by grabbing astrid and putting her behind him. "stop it. please, don't kill her, she's my friend."

"she hurt you." she hissed back, her hand going towards her sword.

"she was just trying to protect made from the giant black dragon that tried to attack her, put the sword down." hiccup firmly told her, a hint of desperation in his tone.

hearing his tone of voice she back down but continued to glare the blonde who stared at her with wide eyes, clutching her jaw in pain.

"you just scared them." hiccup sighed and turned to astrid who's eyes never left the duo, toothless now having joined the girls side, his wings slightly raised in a threatening way as they both panted from the adrenaline.

"i scared them!?!" the girl shrieked. "who, is them?"

"astrid this is toothless and, well she doesn't have a name yet, i'm working on it. guys, this is astrid." toothless hissed angrily at the blonde and the girl made a slit motion across her throat, her grey eyes basically piercing through astrids soul.

astrid shook her head before stumbling and sprinting away. the two both relaxed and watched her run away with proud expressions before turning and walking off.

"duh, duh, duh, we're dead." hiccup turned to them and saw them walking away, talking animatedly. "hey, where do you think you're going?"


astrid panted heavily as she sprinted through the forest but a whistling noise caught her attention and she gasped as she was lifted off of her feet and into the air with a scream.

"oh, great odins ghost! this is..ah!" she screamed clinging onto toothless' leg as she grabbed her and the girl rolled her eyes, not liking the blonde one bit. hiccup had told her and toothless about everything the other people of berk had said and done to him, especially he blonde girl.

toothless dropped her onto a dead tree and landed at the top, on his back were his too companions. the girl at the front and hiccup behind her.

"hiccup! get me down from here! right now!" astrid screamed, struggling to hold onto the branch the dragon put her onto, the grey eyed girl rolling her eyes.

"weak." she mumbled to toothless who grunted and nodded.

"no! you have to give me a chance to explain." hiccup pleaded, looking down at her.

"i don't have to listen to anything you have to say!" astrid screamed at him still struggling to get a good grip on the tree.

"please, astrid." hiccup pleaded again and she paused, looking at him before sighing and nodding. "great, climb on up here."

the girl rolled her eyes and grumbled lowly, gripping onto the handles tighter as toothless growled at astrid who began to clamber onto the back of the saddle, behind hiccup. now all of them were mounted on the dragon.

"great, now toothless, down, slowly." hiccup patted the dragons back softly.

"actually buddy, let's just make her terror last a little longer." she smirked and toothless nodded with a sly look before slowly tilting side ways.

"no, no, no. what did she tell you, what did you tell him!" hiccup screamed before they began to plummet towards the ground.

"come on buddy." she gripped the handles and pulled up, sending them soaring into the sky and astrid began to fall but she grabbed hiccup to stable herself whilst screaming.

"no! what is wrong with you!" hiccup yelled at the two of them as she lead toothless into a spiral with a small smirk. "bad dragon! very bad dragon!"

"oh hiccup, don't be so mean. he's only young." she snickered and hiccup smacked the back of her head as they began to fall again, spinning in circles.

"you're not any better, you told him to do this!" hiccup screamed back at her and he laughed, toothless dipping in and out to the water and swaying before spinning to fly upside down.

"i'm sorry, they're not usually like this!" hiccup told astrid who ignored him and continued to scream.

"oh no, toothless' tail isn't working." she took her foot out of the tail and they began to fall uncontrollably. "oh no, the sea is getting closer, only a magic word can help us. astrid do you know what it is?" she calmly asked as toothless let his tongue hang out, enjoying the fall happily.

"what are you doing, we need her to like us!"

"i can't do anything hiccup, the tail isn't working and only a magic word can fix it." she shrugged and sat calmly as she listen to astrid scream.

"okay! okay! i'm sorry! i'm sorry, just please stop it! i'm sorry!"

she smirked and put her foot back into the stirrup and pulled up, softly gliding through the air. "oh look, it's fixed." she snickered and pulled up calmly, flying into the clouds.

"thank you." hiccup mumbled into her ear as astrid gasped at the clouds reaching to touch them with a small smile.

"you're very welcome." she glanced at him from the corner of her eye then steered out of the clouds to fly around berk.

"alright." astrid chuckled, reaching down to pet toothless softly, "i admit it. this is pretty cool. it's..amazing."

she pauses, looking between the two dragon riders with a smile.

"they're pretty amazing." she whispered to hiccup who nodded and stared at the back of his friends head with an awestruck expression.

dragon warriorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora