|1| Juliet

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Astrophile: One fond of star lore. It's like a space and sky lover. One who loves planets, stars, and outer space. Astronomy


"They're at the hospital because of you three," the board chairman of the school declares to my brothers and I as he sat on his chair while we stand with our head down.

It wasn't until I raised my head to look at him. Times like these are moments were I shouldn't have my head down in shame because we didn't do anything wrong yet those violet eyes of his are staring at us as if we have.

My brothers tense up next to me. I could feel them and their anger.

It's not our fault.

Antonio, on my right, takes a step forward, his anger taking over as he starts to lash out. "Well, they fucking deserved it. They tried to---"

"Young man." The chairman said coldly. Antonio bites his tongue as the seated man looks at my brother with a gaze that felt as if he could see right through us.  "If I were you, I would watch what I say and how I speak." He warns.

Antonio clench his jaw, his fist forming as if he's ready to just jump over the desk that's between us and the chairman. I gently grab his sleeve by his wrist, causing my brother to look over at me. I don't utter a word but he saw it in my eyes, I know he did because I begged him to not react. I slightly shake my head and Antonio takes a deep breath.

My brother calms down, his shoulder relaxing before standing straight and looking at our chairman with challenge in his eyes. The same eyes as mine and of our brother, Basilio. His hair colour is the same  but the only difference is the length. His is long with layers that reached the bottom of his neck but it's currently tied up into a low pony tail.

He does have a few hair straining up front along with a cut lip and bruised left cheek. His shoulder are broader and he's taller, more bulky and intimidating to approach. His uniform is completely ruined. Only wearing the white dress shirt which few top buttons are missing along with the pants with no sight of the blazer or tie.

His are moves, causing me to pull my hand away but he finds my hand and hold it tightly, using me as his reason to not cause more trouble but to also assure me that I'm not alone.

"Basilio." The chairman calls for our brother who's on my left. He tenses up once more. "I expected better from you as a student of 3-A." The guilt, I could feel it from here. My brother is practically a model student and because of today's action... I hate how it's eating him up.

"Yes. I apologize for the actions caused by my siblings and I." Basilio said, standing up tall and brave like Antonio. He's being respectful, and the tone of his voice shows maturity. "However, we had goof reasons for doing so. They tried to--"

"It doesn't matter who did what." The man in front of us interrupts him, losing my brother's respect and angering him.

Like Antonio, I reach over to my brother. Immediately, he takes my hand, takes a deep breath so that he may act rational. Unlike his identical twin, his hair is short on the side with the top being layered but at this moment, his hair covered his forehead. Luckily, his glasses weren't damaged. His uniform, a little messy with his tie being loose, his blazer open since it's missing a button and out of his pants.

I look back at the chairman, his sight on my brother's since out of all of us, he's more disappointed in him. After all, he has built this school with a hierarchy in which Basilio stood at the top.

It's not surprising to us but here, my twin had everyone's attention since not only were we not born in Japan but are of Japanese heritage, we were also triplets. Basilio got in the top class, Class 3-A. There was also a group of smart kids called the big five and rumours had it that Basilio was going to surpass them in grades and intelligence. It brought a lot of attention since one of them is the chairman's son.

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