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My tail swayed side to side as I walked the school hallway. People have been jerks to me but that's fine.

I healed up faster than I should've according to the people at the hospital. I did have to get surgery because of how bad the injury was. That happened when I was in a coma though.

Ruben wouldn't admit it but he visited me everyday and he was worried about me according to his mom.

"Callum you're back" Justin jumped up on me.

"Yeah and guess what" I laughed

"Oooo what" his tail wagged.

"I have a scar now, we can be scar buddies" I lifted my shirt to show the scar.

"Woah that looks cooler than mine"

"No it doesn't, yours is cooler because you can show it off more while mine is hidden"

"No no no, yours is cooler because it's like a secret, you're a man of secrets"

"No way, you got yours from-"

"Who gives a shit who's scar is cooler, it's just a fucking scar" Ruben groaned.

"You're just pissed that you don't have one" Justin rolled his eyes.

"He does have scars" I told him.

"Callum shut the fuck up" Ruben glared

I looked up at him and his cheeks are red. Does he have a fever? That's not good he should be at home if he does.

"How do you know?" Justin smirked

"because I've seen him nake-"

"For fucks sakes shut up" Ruben pushed me to the floor before I could finish what I was saying.

"What's wrong? Do you have a fever? You're face is really red"

"Oh I'm going to have fun having this in my mind, see you later Cal" Justin helped me back up then left.

"Do not mention anything about my scars and about me being you know what in front of you" Ruben whispered to me.

"I know what what now?"

"About me being naked in front of you dumb ass"

"Ooohhhh okay, I promise I will never mention that ever again"

"Good, now let's get to class before we're late" Ruben pushed me walking to class.

I followed behind him and smiled. I wonder why he doesn't want people to know about his cool scars. I mean they're everywhere and some of them are in different shapes and some are more visible than others.

He hides them very well, all of them are hidden even when he where's shorts. You can only see him if he doesn't where anything.

The school day is over and I went home with Justin following me. As usual Ruben went to wherever he goes after school.

"Look at the two puppies walking together" a girl laughed.

I kept walking ignoring the girl, she does this whenever I go out.

"Two stupid dogs walking each other"

"This way" I whispered to Justin turning the corner.

As we turned a limbo came up behind us.

"Callum do you two want a ride the rest of the way?" Ruben's dad pulled up to us.

I quickly nodded and opened up the door. I let Justin in first then I got in.

"Did Ruben not come with you?" Ruben's dad asked as he started driving.

"No, he always goes out somewhere after school" I told him.

"So who's your friend?"

"This is Justin, he's also from the wild"

"That's great, now you have a werewolf friend to bond with"

I jumped up on Justin and bit his neck. We've been play fighting for a couple of hours now. He threw me down and he started to tickle me.

"N-no" I screeched.

"Haha I got you now" Justin laughed tickling me more.

"Hey mutt" Ruben came out to the back.

"Ruben" I pushed Justin off of me and ran up to him

"Do you want food or what"

"Justin are you hungry?" I looked over at Justin who nodded.

"Cool, mom brought home some Chinese food so hurry up" Ruben went back inside.

I shifted on my feet a bit and felt Justin come up to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I never had any human food besides pizza"

"Trust me, human food is really good"

We headed back in the house and Tiny was there. I hate this cat. I growled at the cat and she hissed at me.


"Clair stop over reacting, just because he's growling doesn't mean he's attacking" Ruben's mom said.

I growled at the cat more before going to the dining area. On the table was different sized white boxes with weird red lines on them with a metal handle.

"How's your wound Callum?" Ruben's mom came up to me and lifted my shirt.

"It's better, and it looks really cool, right Justin"

"Really cool" his tail wagged.

"Make them shut up about the stupid scars" Ruben groaned.

"I find it adorable how they get happy about them, unlike with regular people they're proud of them" Ruben's mom smiled putting my shirt back.

"Scars are a huge thing in the wild, because it means that you survived something that could have been deadly" Justin's tail wagged more.

"And here if you have a scar no one cares unless it looks cool" Ruben grumbled.

"You're scars look cool Ruben" I looked at him my eyes going wide. How dare he think his aren't cool. They're the coolest ones I've ever seen, the way that the lines match up multiple ones.

"CALLUM!" Ruben shouted at me

"Oh right sorry, lips sealed" I did the zip thing with my lips.

"Let's eat alright then we can play some board games" Ruben's dad said pointing to the table.

"I don't know what board games are but they sound fun" I wagged my tail excited to try new things.

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