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I'm so excited that I can't even control my tail wagging.

"How the hell do you wear pants?" Ruben asked as I put on my school uniform.

"What do you mean?"

"You're tail, don't you need to put a hole in your pants or something?"

"Oh, no, tails aren't actually on our butts, it's up above it, humans have a little dip above there butts and that's where our tails are"

Ruben hummed in response fixing his hair in front of the mirror as I struggled to put on the tie. Ruben groaned and came up to me fixing it.

"Thank you Ruben" I gave him a small smile.

"Shut up mutt"

Ruben turned around but I turned him back. His eye looks worse. It's a dark bruise with some blood on it.

"Ruben what happened to your eye?" I asked my tail slowly stops wagging.

"Nothing happened I just ran into a wall yesterday leaving school, now hurry up before we're late" Ruben pushed me off of him.

I grabbed my small backpack and followed Ruben downstairs.

"Callum we need to give these to you for school" Ruben's dad came up to me.

He took off my collar and then put on a new one that was really uncomfortable. Out of instinct I growled at him and tried biting his hand.

Behind me I heard Ruben trying to hold in a laugh. Ruben's dad tightened the collar then put a name tag on it.

"It hurts get it off" I barked trying to get the collar off. How the hell do these things work?

"I'm sorry Callum but it's required, now take this" He handed me a small pill.

"What is it?" I asked scratching at my neck loosening the collar.

"I don't know, again it's just required" He gave me water to take the pill.

I quickly took the pill hating swallowing something whole.

"Let's go, we're running late" Ruben rolls his eyes heading for the door.

Ruben's dad tightened my collar once again and told me to catch up. I ran outside and caught up with Ruben.

I walked with Ruben scratching at the tight collar.

"You're pathetic" Ruben rolled his eyes loosening my collar.

"Thank you Ruben" I gave him a smile.

Ruben pushed me and he started walking once again. I followed right behind him my tail swinging back and forth.

We soon got to the school and it's huge. Kids were going in and talking to others. All of them are human.

"This is where we separate, I do not want to be seen with you, just ask someone to help you find the office" Ruben told me leaving me by the entrance.

Why is he so mean, what did I do so wrong? Is it because I'm a runt?

Shaking my head I stepped inside of the school. There's a lot more people here than I expected.

People shoved me walking past going to their friends. I looked around walking trying to find the office.

"Um excuse me?" I went up to a girl

"Awe look at this, are you lost little buddy" the girl awed at me.

"Y-yeah uh, I don't know where the office is" I scratched at my collar.

"Of course you are little puppy, let's get you to the office" she baby voiced me.

Ignoring her babying I followed her to the office.

Once I got my schedule I looked over it trying to figure out what it says. I don't understand writing, I've lived in the wild for most of my life and lived in a pet shop for a year.

"Do you still need help?" The girl kept babying me.

"Yeah, I don't know how to read, I grew up in the wild for 16 years then they never taught me to read in the pet shop"

"You're from the wild?"

"Yeah, got taken away from my pack"

The girl just smiled at me and she helped me to my classes. My stomach is doing flips I'm getting so nervous. My tail is in between my legs.

"Now if you need anymore help there should be people with little badges of a paw to help with cuties like you" the girl pinched my cheek then left me by my classroom.

I rubbed my cheek where she pinched and walked in the room. Looking at all of the people in the room they don't even look at me. Where do I go? Do I sit down?

"Oh hello, you must be the werepup I was told about" a women came up to me.

"I'm actually a werewolf, not a pup ma'am" I corrected her.

"Is there any difference" she joked. But yes, there is a difference and it's offensive to call a wolf a dog. "You sit up here" she pointed to the desk right by the door.

I nodded and sat down in the chair. My tail wagged threw the hole in the chair.

"Look at this, the bitch is happy for school" I heard a guy whisper.

"I wonder who it's owned by" another guy whispered.

I sniffed the air smelling a familiar scent. That's when Ruben came in with his head down.

"And look at that, the disappointment is here" one of the guys said.

"Do not say that about Ruben" I growled at them hoping off of my seat.

"Pfft, why are you even listening to us, spying little doggy?" The guys chuckled.

I growled as I felt my hairs starting to puff out in anger.

"Why stand up for that loser anyways"

"Leave Ruben alone, what do you even have against him"

"He's just a waste of space and air" the other guy smiled.

I was about to attack them but I was held back by Ruben pulling on my collar.

"Go" Ruben whispered to me

"No, they can't be jerks to you for no reason" I struggled against Ruben.

"NOW CALLUM" Ruben shouted at me. This is the first time he said my name.

Putting my tail between my legs I whimpered grabbing my bag and left the classroom.

My pet wolf (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now