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It's been a week since Callum got shot. The person who was hunting in the forest got arrested for hunting in a no hunting area and for harming an innocent creature.

Callum is in the hospital currently and he still hasn't woke up. Fuck that stupid mutt, I hate him so much. He has to ruin shit for me doesn't he. My grades are already failing because of it. And not to mention I'm being picked on more.

"Ruben" my teacher tapped my shoulder.

I looked up at her and she has a small smile on her face as usual.

"Your mom just called, Callum is showing signs of waking up"

My eyes widened and I quickly got up shoving my stuff in my bag running out of the class. I'm probably not supposed to leave because of this but I don't care. I need to know if he's okay.

I looked at the parking lot and I saw the limbo. I got inside and the driver started to drive.

"Are you ready to see him?" My mom asked from the front seat.

"I think? He better have not died or this would have been a waste of time" I answered her.


Screams filled my ears and everything around me is dark yet so bright. The storm is getting heavier each second. The screams of my pack and someone calling my name. It's Ruben that's calling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a bright white light. I closed my eyes again groaning from the brightness. 

The room got darker so I opened my eyes again. I saw slight golden two dots then I heard Ruben's voice.

"Ready for the lights?" Ruben asked

"Mhmm" I nodded as I stared at the glowing dots.

The lights turned on and the dots disappeared and there was Ruben where the dots were.

My ears twitched and I realized that I'm hooked up to things and the things are beeping at me. I growled at the machine not knowing what it is or what it's doing to me. But Ruben isn't freaking out so I shouldn't be either.

Ruben chuckled but instantly stopped. He cleared his throat and came over to me moving the light blanket.

"Can you sit up?" Ruben asked.

I slowly sat up but it really hurts. Ruben held me and started to unwrap a cloth around my stomach. Once it was unwrapped he just stared at my side. I looked down to see if something was interesting about it and there was. It's stitched up. That's why it hurts.

"It hurts" I whispered.

"I know it does, lean back and close your eyes"

I did what Ruben told me and he place his hand on the stitches. It felt better and I feel like it's healing.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Ruben who's eyes are closed but they're glowing under his eyelids.

"Ruben" Ruben's mom walked inside.

Ruben backed up and his eyes went back to normal.

"Oh my goodness, Callum you're awake" Ruben's mom came over to me.

"He just woke up, I wanted to put fresh bandages" Ruben told his mom grabbing clean bandages.

"That's great, you're showing improvement of getting people close to you" Ruben's mom smiled

"Its not people, it's a creature" Ruben grumbled forcing me back up.

I winced in pain and he looked up at me with a sorry face.

"Be careful, I'll go get a nurse" with that Ruben's mom left the room.

Ruben bandaged me up as I stared at the beeping machine.

"Where are we?" I asked Ruben not taking my eyes off of it.

"A hospital?" Ruben said in a questioning voice.

"What's a hospital?"

"A hospital is a place where you go when you get badly injured or sick. Or giving birth but I don't want to get into that"

I looked at my stomach and Ruben was rubbing my sides. Ruben leaned into where the stitches were and kissed it.

"To make it heal faster" Ruben looked up at me

"Y-yeah" a blush started to cover my face.

I get to go home, well Ruben's home. Is it my home too? They took out the stitches and now I have a really cool scar.

I wagged my tail as I sat in the limbo. Ruben isn't here because he's at school.

"Are you happy to go home?" Ruben's mom smiled

I nodded and bounced in the seat a bit. I can't wait to see Ruben. I'm also happy that I don't have to be in that hospital room with that beeping machine. It's sensitive to my ears.

We soon got to the house and as I got out of the limbo I shifted to my wolf form running inside. I smell Ruben, he's here somewhere. I run upstairs to the bedroom and there was Ruben on his bed doing homework.

I barked at him and jumped up onto the bed licking his face.

"Jesus, get off of me" Ruben laughed pushing me off a bit.

I wagged my tail and barked more.

"Human form, and close the door" Ruben told me putting away his homework.

I did what he told me then went back to the bed. Ruben lifted up my shirt and looked at my scar. He then removed my whole shirt looking over my chest. His eyes gazed at it like he's in a trance.

He kissed my scar and looked up at me smiling. His eyes are way different from when I first met him. They're shiny and have life.

"I got another cut in my lip" Ruben said

"Where?" I tilted my head confused not seeing a cut.

"Can you kiss it better?"

"Yes, but where is it" I pouted

Ruben chuckled and he pulled me into a kiss. But this kiss isn't ones that are for making things feel better. But it does make me feel better, yet different.

"Don't you dare think that this changes my feelings about you" Ruben flared breaking the kiss.

"Of course not" I giggled

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