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This tv is incredible. It's playing things that isn't showing sports or news. I didn't know it could do that. My tail swayed as I watched the animated people sing. How do they do this?

"Here" Ruben threw something at my face landing on my snout.

I looked at the squared yellow thing on my snout in confusion.

"It's cheese, eat it" Ruben told me putting the same stuff on his mouth as he sat on the sofa.

I shook my head so the cheese would fall onto the floor. I sniffed the cheese then slowly ate it. This is really good, I want more. I wagged my tail and pawed at Ruben's knee.

He tossed me other slice and I caught it in my mouth. This stuff is amazing. I opened my mouth wanting more and Ruben smiled, he's actually smiling.

"Ruben are you home?" Ruben's dad walked inside the house.

"Yep" Ruben's smile dropped.

He fed me another slice of cheese then grabbed the remote changing the channel.

"Well, Clair is going out with some friends tonight and your mom and I are going on a date and won't be back till morning, if you want friends over then they're welcomed"

"Yeah whatever" Ruben sighed

"Sir, am I allowed to have friends over? I made some at school" I shifted to my human form.

"Of course you can, this is also your home"

"Thank you so much" I wagged my tail.

"I thought you were lying about living with Ruben" Annabel whispered to me.

"Nope, he adopted me from the pet shop, but he just wanted to get out as fast as he could"

"I'm not deaf you know" Ruben snapped

"Sorry" I lowered my head.

"Whatever, don't burn the house down, I'm going for a walk" Ruben got up from the couch and left without another word.

"Rude" Annabel stuck out her tongue.

"He's just grouchy, he was in a better mood earlier"

"Him? In a good mood?"

"Yeah, he fed me cheese and I got excited because it was really good and I never had cheese before, so I guess my excitement made him happy"

"You never had cheese?"

"I never had anything besides raw meat"

"You sir are going to sit down, find something to watch while I make you pizza, since I already know that you like cheese"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure"

"Okay, oh and don't eat the strawberries, I picked them for Ruben because he loves them"

Annabel nodded and she went into the kitchen as I looked through all of the shows.

I heard the door slam shut making me jump up. I looked at the door and there I saw Ruben out of breath sliding down the door to the floor.

"What was that?" Annabel ran out of the bathroom.

"Nothing, shut up you stupid ass creatures" Ruben got up from the floor and ran upstairs.

He sounded hurt and like he was crying. I looked at the door and there I saw blood.

"RUBEN" I shouted running after him.

"Fuck off mutt" I heard Ruben cry.

"Callum leave him alone, if he wants to be a prick then let him, he doesn't deserve to be pitied" Annabel pulled me away from the door.

"Right" I whispered going back downstairs.

I went to the cleaning closet and grabbed chlorine and a mop. I cleaned up the blood making sure that there was non left. When I was done with that I did a regular mop so the chlorine didn't stay.

"He must've got into another fight" I whispered putting the stuff away.

"I mean probably, he gets into a lot of them, anyways I should get home before I get noticed that I left, I'll see you Monday" Annabel smiled taking a slice of pizza leaving.

I grabbed the pizza and brought it upstairs knocking on Ruben's door.

"FUCK OFF" Ruben screamed at me.

"I have pizza for you" I whispered but loud enough for him to hear me.

"I don't care" Ruben sniffed.

I opened the door and he was on the floor crying.


"Go Callum"

I put the pizza down on the dresser and shut the door shifting into my wolf form slowly walked over to Ruben trying to get a better look at him.

His head has blood and cuts on it with some forming bruises. I looked at his wrists and their swollen.

I put my head on his lap and he didn't shove me off. I licked his face trying to make him feel better.

The lights went out making me scared. I don't even smell a storm why did the lights go out. Ruben grabbed me and put me on his bed getting on himself. He held onto me and I hear faint snores from him.

He fell asleep? I don't think I've seen him actually sleep. I know he tries to sleep but I know he doesn't because of his breathing. I licked his face and put my tail over him trying to protect him even though I'm small as a pup.

My pet wolf (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now