I'll always be there.

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      I turned facing him fully in bed still cuddled up underneath the blankets. "Randy.... I just have one question left.." I said and he pulled me closer to him, stiffening a little. "What hun?" He asked keep his head in the crook of my neck. "If... If you didn't mean everything you said... why say it to me..?" I asked and he rolled over pulling me on top of him. He cupped my face and looked me straight into my eyes, "I said those words because... because i didn't want you to think it was me for one asking you to the masquerade ball, i wanted to suprise you. When i said those words, i never mean't for them to come out so mean. Honestly, i walked away almost crying, you don't know how much i love you, and your smile, and your jumpiness, and just... well everything." He said. I laid my head on his bare chest listening to his heart beat, and letting a single tear fall. "Hey, hey, no crying now." He said lifting my shirt a little and rubbing my back softly. I picked my head up and kissed his chest softly, before laying back down. "No more crying, promise."

       He smiled still rubbing my back. "How about... We go to dinner tonight, and maybe maybe in a couple days, we'll do it again, but invite John and Maria, along with Mike and Maryse." I nodded then quickly got up and graqbbed my phone," Shit! Maryse!" I yelled and went into the kitchen dialing her number. I stood over the kitchen sink,"Oh thank god you called!" Maryse yelled laughing, i heard Mike in the background also laughing and saying," It's Kelly? Oh my god she's alive!" I scowled," Of course i'm alive! Anyways, how did everything go last night after we left?" I said and Maryse chuckled," Everything was fine, they played one last song and then everyone started clearing out, it got kind of boring."

      I laughed at her remark," My party? My party was boring? Oh come on! I picked the music, i decorated the damn place! The only thing i didn't do, was pick out my own outfit." I said and Randy came in wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on the shoulder my phone was on. "Nope that would of been all me, oh and John." I was about to talk and then stopped myself, "Did you just say John?" Randy made a 'mhm' noise and kissed my shoulder. "Maryse, let me call you back, and don't worry Randy, i'm not mad at you." I said and Maryse and Mike both laughed,"Uh oh! Johnny Boy better run!! Bye Kells!" They both yelled and i hung up setting my phone down. Randy let me go and leaned againest the opposite counter. 

       "So. John knew my mystery guy this whole time, huh?" Randy nodded,"That.... Is correct..." I ran my tongue along my teeth," That would be why he seemed so suprised when i told him you got me an outfit to wear. Why he practiced that dance with me, and how you knew it." Randy looked down and nodded. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I find it very cute." I smiled and kissed his lips. I then pulled away and took my ponytail out and fixed it. I went into his bathroom and fixed my makeup by just taking it off. "Damn..." I said and Randy stood in the doorway. "What?" I shook my head," Nothing, i just need my makeup and it's at home." I stood on my feet again and not my tippytoes and he pursed his lips. "You don't need it." He said and i looked at him," Yes i do!" He raised his eyebrows,"Nope. You don't, you are beuatiful without it. " I smiled at him, "Alright, if you say so."

     "Randy, I need to go talk to John if you don't mind." He looked at me sternly, "I'm okay with it, ONLY if you come back with no makeup." He raised his eyebrows finishing his pancakes i had made and putting his plate in the sink. I folded my arms, "Fine...." I said and he smiled coming next to me and kissing my lips. "Okay then, i'm going to go shower so when you talk to John, i'll be in the shower and he can't kill me." He flashed me a nice smile and i laughed rolling my eyes before taking one of randy's Apex Predator shirts and putting it on. Hey, it matched my black sweatpants, so i wasnt worried about it. I then left and went to John's dressing room.

      I knocked on the door at least twenty times before he answered the door in sweatpants and no shirt. I walked straight in letting him close the door as i turned to face him," Alright John, What the hell. You knew it was Randy this whole time?!" I said throwing my arms out. He laughed and put his arms out," Alright calm down, yes, i knew. I gave him your size, because i'm your brother and all and he made me keep it a secret. " He said explaining, i folded my arms again, "You couldn't of even told me you knew? I wouldn't of begged asking for who, but you could of told me!" He sighed," Your right... I should of and i'm sorry." I put my arms down and stuck out my bottom lip. He smiled and walked over hugging me. "Hey, wheres Maria?" I asked pulling away from him," She had to go to the store, she'll be back though." I nodded and kissed his cheek,"Bye brother!" I said laughing on my way out back to Randy's.

You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now