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During the taxi ride to her place, I stare out the window, it's beautiful. As we pass by buildings, and coffee shops, I point out every detail. I don't know how she isn't annoyed with me at this point, I'm like a little kid in Disney land.

She smiles every time I turn to her and holds my hand as she watches my excitement. We arrive in a gorgeous neighbourhood, lots of huge homes, and even fields. The car stops at a pretty light blue house, with unique architecture.

 The car stops at a pretty light blue house, with unique architecture

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I just stare at the place while getting out of the taxi. Gillian walks up to the door first.
"come on!" I follow her footsteps "ladies first" I giggle and curtesy like the first night in that LA cab. She holds the door open for me, as I step into the huge living room.

White walls, fun decorations, and stuffed animals on the sofa. I gasp and run up to them. Gillian laughs while I hug each and every one. "Hey I have this one!" I say, pointing to a red soft bear.

"Yeah, I saw it when I came over" she bites her lip "we have great taste" I smile and sit on the sofa. She sits in a plush chair next to me. "What did you name it?" I ask

"Drew" she chuckles "no way" she looks at me "what?" I laugh "I named my Nancy" I say sarcastically as we laugh at each other. I hold drew tight in my hands, Eventually she gets up and says "want a tour?"

She shows me around the whole place, her room, the basement, the plants, the cool pink wall in the plain kitchen, even the carpet David spilled wine on. I notice her looking at me differently.

Almost more deep? As if every time she looked at me, her eyes seemed to know me on a deeper level. Maybe something changed while I was gone, I guess I'll never know. I do like this new look though, it seems more delicate, like she doesn't want to lose me. That would make sense, but I don't think she's that type of person.

I mean, she did say I love you first, but is she really in love? Does she know how much I mean it every time I say it? Does she mean it? That's too much right now, I have to focus on what's in front of me.

Every time she admires one of my decorations, her eyes shimmer, like the first night I met her. Man she's gorgeous. I want to know every detail about her. Every hard ship, every struggle, every positive, every goal. I wish to know her on a deeper level.

Though I think I partly have, I seem to want more. Fuck am I actually in love with her? No, I need to stop. Focus on right now.
"Hey I still haven't paid you back from when you made me dinner" I recall bluntly.

She blushes and rolls her eyes "ok, you sit in the living room, and I'll make you something special" she giggles while I force her to the sofa. I decide to make her pancakes. Birthday cake ones though. I start cooking, while she watches some YouTube video in the living room.

Like in her place, we talk through yells between walls as our laughs fill the air since we mishear each other a lot. I try my best to make every pancake perfect, which isn't normally like me considering I don't really give a shit about anything.

But she's special, anything for her. I finally finish after like half an hour and call her in the kitchen "close your eyes!" I yell running up to her when she's about to walk in. "Ok ok!" I place my fingers over her eyes, and walk her to her seat, just as she did me.

I put the pancakes in front of her, neatly stacked and carefully decorated. "Open!" She gasps, then giggles, warming my heart. She picks up the utensils "Gillian it's so pretty" I blush as she gently cuts into it, licking some whip cream off the knife.

"Cut yours" she says, noticing I haven't touched my serving "no, you first, I need to hear the special approval" I say crossing my arms in my chair. She smiles and takes the bite "see this is what you should feed to Gordon Ramsay if you ever meet him" we laugh, as I take my own bite, sharing the opinion.

Once we're done I grab our dishes and take them to my sink "you know, I'm surprised you remembered the pancakes" I try not to make my smile noticeable "well, how you could forget a night like that"

She blushes and looks at the table. Yawning, she stretches her fingers and says "you wanna watch a movie? Like at my house?" I nod and she sprints into the living room. "Woah woah woah, don't you want to get comfy first?"

She rolls her eyes and stands up "I guess, lead me madame" I switch to my British accent "oh but of course love, follow me" I lead her to my room where she says "can I wear another one of your shirts again?"

It's obvious she's been waiting to ask that question "I suppose" she quickly turns around and opens all of my dresser drawers, trying to find the one with shirts. I'm trying to contain my laughter knowing my shirts are in my closet.

I observe her struggling with my drawers, and judging my excessive lingerie collection
"how come you have so many thongs?" I laugh "what those? Those aren't even half of them, the rest are under my bed" she laughs and continues to search.

Minutes pass until she finally asks "so where are your shirts?" I just chuckle and walk to my closet. I open the door and hear her groan "they were in here the whole time?" I nod and giggle.

"I mean I guess I got to see at the bras you own, so that's a plus. oh well" she reaches in and grabs my favourite eagles t-shirt. She's clearly stolen my habit of changing anywhere. She pulls down her sweats, and takes off her shirt.

I sit on the bed, staring at the dark blue underwear, and black sports bra. She puts the shirt on, and turns around "so what are you wearing?"

I stare into my closet, knowing every shirt in there. She looks at me and says "nothing? Sure that works for me" and turns around. I laugh and grab one of my Beatles t-shirts. I have about 5 so I never run out.

Shes already walked out, when I start changing. As I'm about to put my shirt on, she walks in the open door "so what movie we watching?" I turn around to see her eyes already looming over what she sees. "You choose"

Her eyes come back to mine
"no, I chose last time" I throw on the shirt "ugh" I pull my hair out of the collar, and walk into the living room. She follows and grabs my huge blue blanket. "Matilda?" She nods and searches it.

I pull the blanket over us, as she hits play. Not even 2 minutes in, I already feel her snuggling next to me. I smile and play with her hair while we watch. Fast forward about 2 hours and the movies over. She yawns "you tired?" I say

She smiles "yeah" her sleepy voice is so hot. I need to stop. She slowly gets up from the warmth and walks to my room. It's already dark as she positions herself in bed, leaving half for me.

I get in next to her, her back facing me, curled in a little ball almost. I can tell she's almost asleep. I pull her closer to me by her waist and I swear I can feel the butterflies radiating off of her, while she adjusts next to me.

I kiss her on the cheek, then start to fall asleep "Gillian?" I open my eyes "mhm" "I love you okay?" I giggle "yeah, I love you too" I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

So, as I'm re-editing this about 2 years later, I'm realizing the dates this story takes place is not very clear😭
So in my head, this was set in the early x-files era, so about 1990-2000. I include a lot of modern references though, so if you find it confusing just know your not alone, I don't know why I couldn't stick to one time era lol.

Gillian, you found me againWhere stories live. Discover now