I'm Losing It

59 23 16

I'm losing it
Trying to stay put
Know i should
Running from demons
Covered in hood
I'm losing it

Took a drag
Popped some pills
Getting nightmares
Still got chills
I'm losing it

Got drunk
Freaked out
Panic and guilt
It's all about
I'm losing it

Still running
To stay sane
Fell down
All in vain
I'm losing it

Souls all shook
Hanging ropes
Drugs and syringes
Broken hopes
I'm losing it

Pillows wet
So are eyes
Shattered heart
Silent cries
I'm losing it

Reached out
For the blade
My souls need
Soothing shade
I'm losing it

Tying to stay
In one piece
I dont break
Well aware
That I got
Lot of things
At stake
I'm losing it

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