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you turned back into your seat, covering your mouth with your hand. he obviously saw you look, he's going to come over here. you didn't want that. as much as you hated the feeling of being without him right now, you just wanted miles between you.

"(L/n)?" you tensed at the sound of your name. that familiar voice that made it hard to breathe. you wanted to hate it so bad, you wanted to hate him for making you feel so awful. you just didn't know how.

his hand tapped your shoulder. you turned to see him crouched in front of you. he had that wide-eyed expression that could melt a heart. it worked almost too well on you.

"did you bring an extra bento?"


bokuto forgot his lunch for the third time this week, making it the third day in a row you've had to bring a bento for him. at this rate he might be doing it on purpose. you nodded, too afraid of what you might say if you spoke. your head was still all over the place. you stood and waved to your friends. you were only met with winks and thumbs-ups. did they seriously think you were going to make a move? it's like they didn't know you at all.

the walk was painfully silent. you just stared down at your feet, letting it all pass by.

"hello?" bokuto poked your cheek repeatedly. you stopped to look up at him, his face was too close. your cheeks burned up and that awful feeling came back. your heart fell to your stomach, you could feel it beating down there. you averted your eyes as if it'd hide your red face.

"how was your day?" bokuto asked, annunciating each word. was he talking this whole time? did it all just fly over your head? that never happens.

"fine," you said, avoiding his gaze. you kept walking, desperate to get back to the safety of your lunch table. "wait up. what's wrong?"

bokuto chased after you, his face peering down to look at yours. you sucked in a deep breath; you didn't have a good excuse for your sudden coldness. his hand reached around you, landing on your waist. the only way you could describe it was exhilarating. it was heart-racing. it was euphoric. the touch was simple, meaningless. it meant absolutely nothing, but it felt like so much more. the same hellish feeling hit again, you wished it wouldn't. you just wanted to savor his touch without the unnecessary sickening pain. you waited for your heart to stop, for your stomach to start turning. you waited, but it never came. a different feeling replaced it. you didn't have a word for it, but it reminded you of that feeling you get when you're speeding down a big drop on a roller coaster. your stomach felt empty, but it was an exciting kind of nothing. 

bokuto's other hand met your lower back, pulling you close to him. it was just a hug. you felt your heart beat faster as his arms held you tighter and his head rested on top of yours. it was a heavenly feeling, one you wanted to hold on to forever. he shifted his head, the side of his face sitting on your shoulder.

"i won't force you, but tell me if something's up. alright?" his words tickled your ear, almost making you flinch. you reassured him that you were fine, but he knew better.

"you always use big words when i ask how your day went. like riveting or excruciating," he mumbled. even you didn't notice the way you stretched out your vocabulary when you had to describe things. how could he catch on to things so small? 

you felt his grip on you loosen. it took away that lightweight feeling. he leaned back, giving you a stern look. he turned back, his arm not leaving your waist. he pulled you all the way to your classroom to get his lunch. that was the only time he let go of you, when you bent down to grab his food. 

𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 - 𝘣𝘰𝘬𝘶𝘵𝘰 𝘬.Where stories live. Discover now