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It was a cold summer afternoon, Kazuichi was waiting for Hajime outside the karaoke bar.
"he's late..." Kaz mumbled to himself as he looked at his watch.
"Hajime was supposed to be here at 30."

Finally, Hajime appeared.
"Kaz! Sorry I'm late, I didn't realize how long it'd take for me to get ready..."
"No worries! I'm just glad you came."

They smiled at each other and walked inside.

As soon as they got into the room Kazuichi started singing "Discord" by The Living Tombstone.

Hajime's POV
I watched Kazuichi sing our favourite song, falling even more in love with him. I cant believe I'm actually alone with him for once...

Hajime zoned out looking at him and didn't notice he was finished singing until the door slammed open.

"You came!!" Kazuichi exclaimed.

"Of course we did! You don't get a chance like this every day." Nagito replied.

"I don't have fuckin' time for this..." Fuyuhiko mumbled to himself.

"Come on Fuyuhiko, don't be so negative about everything." Chiaki said, clearly annoyed.

Hajime's POV
What the... Why are they here?!

"Hey, um, Kaz?" Hajime said quietly as he tapped on Kazuichi's shoulder.
"Why are they here?"
"Same reason as you, I invited them!"
"Didn't you say it was gonna be just us?"
"Yeah, but Nagito heard about it and kept begging me to let him join."
"I see... Are they gonna be here the whole time?"
"No, they'll only stay for about an hour. Why're you asking?"
"Um, just curious..."

One hour turned into two, and they still weren't done singing. Hajime's patience was starting to wear out.

"Kaz, can I speak to you in private, please?"

Kazuichi was too caught up in singing and Hajime ended up having to drag him out.

Ahoge (Kazuichi x Hajime)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ