Field Trip

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A/N: This was a request from Cowberii, I hope it's okay, I may have made it a little angsty but still has a happy ending and wholesome Avengers fam. It's also not beta checked but I will make any changes when I can if needed.

Trigger Warning: Canon typical bullying from Flash and a (not in depth) panic attack,

Reluctantly Peter handed the slip to May. The only reason he wasn't keeping it secret was because Aunt May knows he can't get sick anymore so why bother. The slip in question is for a school trip to the Avengers Compound which is Peter's second home where he lives every other weekend and on Holidays (May stays over at holidays too). It is also the permanent home of Peter's boyfriend, Harley.

Knowing his family and boyfriend Peter is already dreading the embarrassment. However he's put at ease also knowing they wouldn't push it too far even if they tease him in front of his class.

Ned sits besides Peter on the bus window side fanboying over his idols while his friend rolls his eyes. The spider-child reminds Ned that he's met them before only to be shut down by more rambles. Silently MJ smirks from the seat behind at their antics while reading her newest book addition. Busy chatter bustles around the coach much as the teens get closer to the compound. Mr Harrington downing the final few sips of his coffee.

With the infamous building pulling into view all chatter seemed to explode in to cheers. Except for Peter who shot down whatever sentence he was saying. Anxiety building up in his gut playing a twisted game of tug and war between Flash bullying him and his family embarrassing him. He stays close to Ned and MJ to avoid a certain entitled rich boy. As they enter the building and greeted by a very familiar face.

"Hey y'all, I'm Harley and I'm your tour guide today."

Peter internally groans at his boyfriend's antics, fully aware that this is a stunt to embarrass him. Harley gives everyone their passes except for MJ, Ned and Peter who just pretend to take one. The southern teen explains the different levels of passes and the 'tour pass'. They all have to be scanned with the passes to be recognised by F.R.I.D.A.Y with Peter going last. The A.I's voice rings out after he scans his card.

"Mini Stark, full access pass, welcome back. Should I tell Boss you aren't at school?"

Franticly he tells her the situation and turns back to his class. All eyes are on him. Harley smirks along with Ned and MJ, all relishing in Peter's rosy face and shy eyes. Others in his class just stare shocked now more convinced about his internship. Flash gives him a death glare. Peter is hyper aware of all of them. More anxiety stalks up his spine causing him to shiver almost in subconscious an attempt to shake the feeling off.

Thankfully Mr Harrington doesn't seem to care and swiftly asks Harley about the tour. The boy in question reluctantly takes his eyes of Peter and talks the group through the tour plan.

Throughout the intern labs, Flash stays behind with Peter in the back of the group. MJ is too engrossed in her book, Ned is too captivated by the labs but Harley notices. Every time he goes to wink or comment on Peter he sees the taller of the two lean in and whisper things that pull down Peter's smile. He does his best to still draw Peter's attention (only in less embarrassing ways than originally intended) but this only seems to encourage the other's remarks. Harley tries not to worry visibly but definitely starts feeling protective.

He halts the tour and asks if the small brunet in the back can come to the front for a demonstration of one of the things being tested in the intern lab. Peter gladly takes the opportunity to move away from Flash and gives his boyfriend a grateful smile. After the demonstration, Harley makes sure Peter is next to him and not the unknown teen he was with before.

Near the end of the tour Harley announces an Avengers Q&A. Hyped up conversation starts up as they all head to the conference room. They are all given NDA's to sign before entering and they begin to shuffle into the room.

Awestruck looks cover all their faces as they see the heroes stood at the other end. Each Avenger gives a smile, even Bucky because he's trying, and Tony starts to talk.

"Welcome to the best moment most of you will experience, you all know who we are so introducing ourselves is pointless," a few of his fellow heroes and his son roll their eyes," you are allowed to ask any questions with in reason and we have the right to not answer any questions."

Most students are still in shock from seeing them in person.

"Capisce?" The students nod.

He then gives the okay to ask questions and hands rocket up. Most questions are understandable and decent until someone mentions Peter.

"Why did the A.I lady call Peter 'Mini Stark'?" They still aren't ready for people to know about the shared rights so he lies a little.

"Peter is my personal intern and he's becoming a mini me. That simple."

"There's no way Penis Parker is actually your intern! You already said they have to be in college to be accepted!" His disbelief mixed with anger as he looked at Peter. 'Why aren't I his intern? I'm better!'

Suddenly the atmosphere went dark. Natasha grips a dagger but knows not to waste her skills on some kid even if he insulted her little spider. Bruce tints green trying to not 'hulk out'. Sam notices Bucky's eyes glaze over and puts a calming grip on his shoulder even though he wants to hurt the teen too. Thor wields Mjölnir more defensively. Wanda and Loki enter big sibling mode, Wanda sending Peter a sympathetic look and Loki plotting Flash's death. Clint and Pietro manage to remain calm but are furious on the inside. Steve walks over to Mr Harrington and asks to speak with Flash and discuss the situation.

Tony is furious. His blood boils as he hears the insult and he sees Peter shaking in Harley's arms. No one talks to his kid that way.

"Get this miscreant out of my building! Ban him from every Stark and Avengers event!" People freeze not knowing how to respond. "I said get him out! Security!"

Peter flinches at his dad's yelling and tries to hide tears. They know they know they know they know they-

"Darlin' I need you to breathe with me okay? Everyone is leaving and he's gone. I've got you sweetheart." He instantly relaxes a little at Harley's voice and tries to match his breathing. Wanda notices his struggle and decides she should uses her powers to make him pass out so he stops suffering from the panic attack.

When he wakes up, he's on the sofa with his head on Harley's lap. At first, he keeps his eyes closed and let's his boyfriend continue to rake his fingers through his soft brown curls. Idle chatter between the Avengers blurs together for him until the word 'bully' is said. Peter 'wakes up' and plays obvious as all eyes watch him sit up.

"What happened?"

"You were insulted by that brat and it rightly freaked you out." Tony said, venom emphasising the word 'brat'.

"Why didn't you tell us you were being bullied, Darlin'?"

None of the anger is directed at Peter like he thought it might be for not telling them. He tells them all about Flash and how he was scared of being seen as weak. 'An Avenger who gets bullied by someone who loves his hero persona but hates his real self' as Peter phrases it.

With it finally out in the open, Peter feels immensely better and knows his family will take care of him. Flash angered the wrong people.

Nat suggests a movie night to cheer everyone up which is unanimously agreed to. Sam gets up to make popcorn with Bucky as everyone else sets up blankets and move the four sofas together. Peter gets to choose and picks 'Star Wars' unsurprisingly. Together they all laugh and chat before slowly falling asleep one by one all cuddled up together. Harley is the last to fall asleep along with Tony (Peter was first) and both manage to share Peter in a protective hug bed falling asleep themselves.

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