Fake Dating

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Trigger Warning: A panic attack happens and is written in depth (partially based on my own experience with them). Not proof read because once again I have written past midnight and I need sleep.

2067 Words! (It's not much but it's an achievement for me so I'm proud of it)

Harley flopped onto the couch, splayed out next to Peter with a playful grin. Peter, on the other hand, sat stiffly with his hands picking at the end of his sleeves. A few seconds of awkward silence and Harley picked up the mood. Tension built up quickly leading to Harley speaking up in an attempt to make Peter feel more comfortable.

"What did you wanna talk about darlin'?" His smile lessened into a more sympathetic one after noticing Peter's demeanour. Hearing Harley speak up, he lifted his eyes off the floor and swallowed.

"I, well, I came out to Aunt May and she took it well. I'm not surprised but it's still a huge a relief." Peter's nervous frown perked up into a small smile as he huffed a laugh. However, Harley was confused.

"I'm happy she took it well but you wouldn't be this tense if something didn't happen."

"When I told her, she got excited and asked if I had a boy or girlfriend,"  a sheepish smile overtaking his previous shy one, "I may have panicked and said yes. I may have also said it was you..."

After processing what was just said, Harley broke out laughing but before he could make a remark Peter continued.

"It gets worse. She is now expecting to meet you at the gala tomorrow so we might have to pretend to date for the night." The idea making both boys secretly excited upon thinking about it.

However, it also made them both scared. Neither wanted to pass up the opportunity to 'date' but they didn't want to accidentally reveal their crushes and ruin what they have. Even with that worry, Peter still suggested it and Harley still agreed to go through with it.

On the night, Harley paced in the living room waiting for Peter. Dispite his normal confidence he was still nervous to go on a date with his year long crush; even if it was fake. His hands tingled from the gentle friction of trying to smooth out his suit over and over. Before he could finish readjusting his tie for the seventh time in five minutes, Peter walked in. The two locked eyes, stunned by the other.

"Sirs, the party has started and Boss is asking for you." F.R.I.D.A.Y stated.

Harley was the first to turn away, clearing his throat as Peter's face heated up. Awkwardly Harley held out his hand for the superhero to hold and went back to his regular confidence.

"You coming Darlin'?" Peter's face flushed even more.

Hand in hand they walked to the elevator and let F.R.I.D.A.Y take them to the correct level. A content silence stays between them as the situation dawns on them. I'm holding his hand; both boys beam. It's not like they haven't been close before, they've held hands in the past plenty of times, but this time felt different. This time it isn't platonic. Or at least that's what they have to portray.

With a light ding the elevator opens up to show the fancy party. However, before they can take it in, two faces stop them the second they step out. Aunt May and Tony grin at the their boys. May rushed into a quick hug with her nephew before glancing at both of them.

"Look at you two! You look so grown up!"

While May's excitement slightly startled the Starks, Peter being used to it remained unfazed. He wouldn't deny his sheepish smile however.

Tony, once recovered, noticed the boys holding hands and was reminded of why him and May were so happy.

"So, how long were you boys planning on hiding this?" The grin was obvious by just hearing him.

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