"You're the man that came in and broke up the crowd!" You exclaimed.

"Guilty as charged." The brown-haired male puffed out his chest in pride, fixing his bowtie and pushing his glasses up on his nose.

You put on a fake smile and giggled. "Thank you so much for that Sir, I'm afraid to say it wasn't one of my best moments."

"No problem darlin', you put on quite a show for the public!" He said. "Also, Theodore Jackson isn't exactly the gentleman most people see him as, wouldn't you agree?"

You paused for a second. You already knew better than to talk unkindly about a person in public, in fear of never knowing whose eyes were watching and whose ears were listening. New Orleans may have been a big city, but it was still a very small world. Out of pure instinct, you couldn't help but feel suspicious at the fact that your 'hero' was asking for your opinion on a man you clearly didn't like. You hoped that he wasn't trying to set you up for something fowl, but you decided to dodge his question just in case. Quickly, thinking of what to say. You responded back, the words fall out more like a question and less like an unspoken rule. "No disrespect Sir but, isn't it rude to speak badly about a person in public?"

He nodded his head in agreement. "You have a good point there." He then widened the door to his recording booth and looked at you with an inviting grin. "Why don't you join me inside? We can get to know each other and have a little chat about today's events."

'Now he wants me to join him in his booth?!?!' Your body instantly went rigid and you were a bit stunned by the sudden feeling of not being able to breathe, a thousand thoughts began to run through your head while you tried to figure out just what the hell was wrong with this guy.

"A-As much as I appreciate the kind offer, I'm going to have to politely decline Sir." There was a small tremble in your voice while you talked, you couldn't help but curse yourself for it.

The man tilted his head, he was perplexed. "How come?"

'Because your sketchy as fuck and you could be planning to split me up faster than a group of roaches when the light comes on.' You thought to yourself.

"That goes against the rules I was given by Ms. Jackson." You replied, knowing damn well that was a lie.

"Is that what she told you specifically?" He asked.

"Well no, but-"

"Exactly!" He interrupted. "I said it was fine and there are no rules that are forbidding you from coming in, so what's the harm?"

You sighed. Was it really that hard for him to understand? "I'm sorry, I'm just...uncomfortable with the thought of-"

"Being alone with me?" You remained silent as he examined your face, accepting your lack of words and nervous expression as an answer.

"Darling, I can assure you I wouldn't dare lay a hand on you." He spoke with a reassuring tone. "Unlike some of those ruffians on the street, I would never try to treat a lady in such an ill-mannered way." His ivory features contorted into that of disgust at that last sentence, it seems that he despised the very thought of those types of things.

"Yes but it still isn't proper," You said, gesturing to the peak hole window, desperately trying to get this loon to change his mind. "Not to mention if someone caught us, I wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea..."

He looked to the little window you pointed at and gave a worry-less wave of his gloved hand. "No need to worry. These little windows here have pull-down curtains on the other side," He demonstrated what he meant by grabbing a little white ring that was attached to a string and pulling it down, a little brown curtain successfully covered up the window. "No one will see a thing."

Society Girl  (An Alastor x African-American Reader)Where stories live. Discover now