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Hello Reader's! I have finally decided to make a full fledged reader insert, this just a little different. And with that we need to start with what Society Girl is and isn't.

This story is a story that has to due with race. As a brown skinned, African American girl who loves fanfiction, I have read many, many reader inserts. Some of them do explore the (Skin/Color) and (Skin/Tone), I can't say that I have come across one that was specifically for people who look like me. Now I'm not saying they aren't out there but, they are very hard to find. I remember first starting out with reading reader inserts and majority of the time it stated or just boldly assumed that the reader was a caucasian or at the very least a very light skinned.

It used to make me feel left out of the fandoms that I was in because yeah I enjoyed reading them, but they're were never any that referred specifically to me or girls who looked like me.

So that's what this is. An easy to find fanfiction story for girls like me. Now, let's make this clear. Similar to the story Cradles that was created by the writers of Dapper Dresser. Anyone can read this if they wish. Anyone. But this story will not be light, or for those who don't like racial issues being talked about. Given the time period and the way I wanna go with this tale, there will be mentions of racial slurs, the K.K.K, lynchings, racial riots, racial inequality, and interacial coupling. (Also some rules back then maybe bent or stretched for this story but I'll do my best to keep them mostly accurate)

Not to mention it will also put emphasis on features that most black women or mixed people have. That being curly hair, plump lips, light palms, etc. Basically the obvious things you see on us.

And I know that a lot of people are debating on whether or not Alastor is canonically darkskinned or light skinned because of his Creolian genes, but for the sake of this story, I am going to go off the art made by AshleyNicolesArt on Instagram. If you don't know what that looks like go check it out because it's exactly what human Al is going to look like for this story.

And please, please, please with bloody sprinkles on top, do not, I repeat, DO NOT! Try to come at me with sometype of racial hate and or stereotype. Don't do it to me as a person and don't do it to my story. I am confident that this is a safe community for a story like this but I just want to establish that anyway.

If you can't handle the smoke, don't go into the fire.

So I think that covers everything. And again this story is for anyone willing to read and I would love it so much if I managed to write a successful story this once.

Thank you for reading this and please stick around with me. I can assure you I will do my best not to disappoint.

Later my lovely Darlings!!^^

Society Girl  (An Alastor x African-American Reader)Where stories live. Discover now