ch. 2- The brittany's

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play song above when one asterisk  ( * ) appears!

TW: violence 


I must've gone absolutely mad.

There's no way in hell this is happening. When someone asks you to do something and you say no, you get your way.

I always get my way.

But when someone offers me a very seductive milkshake with a purple straw, I just can't say no.

So now I'm standing in the living room, wearing horns on my head and a short red dress around my arm that liam picked out for me.

I had an idea by what they meant by "costumes" but this is not what I had in mind.

"I really don't wanna do this" I wine at Niall. "It's Halloween Sy, celebrate it." Louis butts in, pulling out his rubber sword.

I whip my head around, raising my eyebrows. "It's July!" I yell at Louis, who's already high off his ass. 

Louis pulls out a small pill container and grabs a joint from it. He lights it blowing the smoke in in my face, smiling.

"Give me that" I snap, swiping it from his mouth. I bring the joint to my lips and take a long drag, looking at Louis blue eyes. I blow the smoke in his face slowly, so there's a cloud of smoke around him.

 I turn on my heels and head towards the front door.

"Let's go fuckers" I holler, my voice ringing through the house.

My high heels make a noise as I walk to open the front door. I toss the lit joint in the plant at the front of the house. I flip my keys around in my hand and slide inside the car starting it, waiting for the boys to call-

"Shotgun!" I hear 2 voices holler from inside the house.

Shotgun. I knew it was gonna come eventually after the car started.

"If you don't get off my lap, I'm going to break all your fingers, one by one." Louis threatens niall, who's sitting on his lap.

Niall's eyes go wide "you were going to break my fingers if I didn't get off of your lap? Niall questions sliding off his lap.

"Don't touch those wings" I scowl at niall through the mirror in the car.

He climbs over Liam, being careful of my wings sticking out from the very back of the car. He plops down in the backseat sitting behind me as I pull out of the driveway, driving to our destination.

"A little torturous if you ask me" Niall mumbles. Louis turns around in his seat and looks niall in eye before giving a sly smirk "We torture for a living" Louis turns around watching the clouds outside the window.

Louis looks at me smirking "We torture for fun" he quickly raises his eyebrows and smiles, resting his head on the headrest.

My eyes flicker from the road to Louis as he smiles, raising his arms to go through the sunroof. He tilts his head up so it's facing the sky, "Let's go have some fun!" Louis hollers.

"Liam! Play some music, we need to get pumped!" Niall shouts over the gusts of wind flying through the car. Liam leans over the center console and connects his phone to the speaker.


We all bop our heads to the bass coming from the speakers around us, Liam starts off singing.

"I got a million trillion things that I'd rather fuckin, do than to be fuckin with you, you lil' stupid ass" I rap along to the music, flipping off the cars driving past us.

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