11. Battle of Qurac part 2

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  Batman immediately ran back to the rubble of the warehouse to find Batgirl. When he arrived, he found her alone.

"He was just here. I saw him." Batman stated.

  "He's gone." Batgirl said.

  Batman looked around and noticed that Jason wasn't the only one missing.

"Talia." Batman noticed and took off.

   Robin was on stand by. He was supposed to be far away from here, but Robin listened to one person and one person only. Himself. He had followed them all to the warehouse and watched as everyone fought. What really caught his attention was his mother trying to escape with Jason. He followed them from a distance to see where they were going. Unaware that his father was following behind him. Batman trailed Talia as she tried to get to a plane. He was also unaware of Robin's presence.

  "Talia!" Batman yelled as he caught up to her. "It's over."

"Is it?" Talia smirked. She held Jason up by his hair and held a knife to his throat. Jason was slipping in and out of consciousness and had no idea what was going on. "You broke the my deal!" Talia was about ready to cut when she heard something.

  "Stop, mother!" Robin yelled. He stepped forward which was a shock to both of his parents. He pulled of his mask to reveal his face. The perfect copy of Bruce's face with Talia's jade green eyes. "I'm the one you want."

  "Robin... Damian, you can't do this. I won't let you." Batman ordered. "Stand down!"

"You said if all else fails. Unless you want my mother to get away or kill Todd, this is what it takes." Damian stated.

  "Come here, Damian." Talia said. "And don't think about trying anything, Bruce."

"I'm not letting you take my son!" Batman yelled.

  "He is my son! This is what he was born to do!" Talia yelled back. "I'm giving you the chance to walk away with Jason. Take it before I change my mind!"

"She's right, father. I was born to do this." Damian looked up at him. Dami walked over and stood in front of his father. "I will miss you, father. And Grayson, and Alfred. I might even grow to miss Todd and Drake someday. Might."

  "I love you, Damian." Batman pulled off his cowel and held Damian tight.

"Time's up!" Talia ruined the moment. "Damian, come."

  Damian walked over towards his mother and dropped his weapons. Talia then dropped Jason and grabbed Damian's hand. Damian wrapped his fingers around hers and walked to board the jet. Bruce leaned forward and grabbed Jason.

"Jason," He tried to shake him awake again.

  "Mmf?" Jason finally regained consciousness.

  Bruce pulled the gag out of his mouth and cut the ropes off his wrists, ankles, and body. He double checked to make sure Jason was ok before going after Damian.

  "Nightwing! There's been a change of plans. I need you to come get Jason. I'm going after Damian." Bruce informed him before putting his cowel back on and grappling onto the plane as it took off.

  "I feel this is a little overkill, mother." Damian complained. Talia put him in a straight jacket and then proceeded to strap him to a chair.

"It's precaution." Talia deadpanned.

  "You don't even trust me." Damian struggled.

"If I let you go, you'd try to escape." Talia reminded him.

  "That's fair." Damian sighed.

  Talia took off and the plane began to gain altitude. Batman hung onto the outside as he looked for a way in. He finally reached the door and pulled it open before the wind knocked him off. Talia was unaware that he had made it on before they left, and wasn't prepared for the baterang to her hand.

"Ah!" She squealed. She stood up and grabbed her katana with the other hand.

  "This ends now, Talia!" Batman yelled. "You hurt one of my kids ever again, and I you will forever regret it!"

"So be it!" Talia spat. She opened the emergency door and jumped out. Leaving no one to fly the plane.

  "Father!" Damian yelled as he struggled to get free. The plane started shaking eventually went into a free fall. Batman fell over, but got up and made his way to Damian. He cut the straps holding him to the chair, not even bothering with the straight jacket at the moment. He grabbed him and jumped out the emergency exit, beginning to glide towards the bottom. When they reached the bottom, they noticed Talia was not there.

"Where's my mother?" Damian questioned.

  "I don't know." Batman responded. "But I have the feeling we won't see her again for awhile."

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