We then walk out the door and head to the gazebo to meet the boys so we can go to the mall.

~Time skip to the mall~

We arrive at the mall and we decide to split into 2 groups so it would be easier to search for outfits for the level 1 formal dance. Us girls start heading towards the nearest formal dress store to start looking.

We weren't able to find any good dresses in the first 4 stores. By that time we head to the food court so we can get food and take a break.

After we finish at the food court, we go to the second level of the mall and start looking at dresses there. After 2 more stores, we come across one that we all liked. We walk in and start walking around.

"Hey girls check these out," Marella says from one corner of the store. We all walk over to where Marella was standing. We see her standing by the discount rack. "There are so many good dressed over here," she says.

We then start looking around in the discount dresses. "Look at these 2 dresses," Biana says as she holds up a royal blue and a light pink dress. "Go try them on," Lihn says. "They would look so good on you," I tell her. We then walk over to the heels and find matching heels for each dress. She tries each of them on and shows us and asks our opinions. 

Marella was the next to find 2 different dresses she liked. One of them was a bright red dress and the other was an orange ombre dress. We helped her pick out matching heels for each dress then she tried them on for us to see.

A few minutes later, Lihn tells us that she found 2 dresses and heels that she liked. One dress was a pretty light gray silver color and the other one was light purple. 

I was the last one to find dresses that I liked. "Sophie come on. You have to pick at least 2 dresses to choose from," Biana says to me. "I found this really pretty gold dress with the perfect matching heels that would look good on you," Marella says. "And I found this set of ice blue heels and dress," Lihn said as her and Marella both shoved the dresses and heels into my arms and start pushing towards the fitting room.

I start by trying on the gold dress with the thicker heels because that's what I trusted myself in. I walk out for them to see. "Wow, Soph. You look good," Marella says. "That was a nice pick, Mar," Biana said to Marella.  "Go try on the other one now," Lihn says pushing towards the fitting room again. 

I take off the gold dress and heels and put on the ice blue and its matching heels. I walk out again for them to see. "Ooh so pretty Sophie." "Thanks," I say to them. I walk back in and change into my regular chothing.

Once I come back out, Biana asks me, "Which dress and heels are you going to choose?" "I think I'm going to choose  . . ."

To be Continued

a/n: choose which dress and heel set each of the characters should wear from the pictures below and vote in the chat

Biana's Royal Blue Outfit

Biana's Royal Blue Outfit

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