Chapter 6

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I head down to the lunchroom and see Bangs Boy, Fitz, Dex, Bianna, and two other girls named Linh and Marella all sitting at a table nearby. I didn't notice Foster walk up behind me until she says, "Are you going to join them?" "Yeah. Didn't see you there Foster." We walk into the lunchroom and join the rest of our group at the table.

Sophie's POV

I'm heading to lunch when I see Keefe waiting outside of the lunchroom. I have the Idea to walk up right behind him to give him a scare. I walk up and say, "Are you going to join them?" He gives a slight jump. Goal. I gave him a slight scare. 

He responds saying, "Yeah. Didn't see you there Foster." We start walking into the lunchroom. As we walk closer, one of my friends, Bianna looks in my direction. "Come on slowpokes." 

Once we're at the table, a few of our friends handed us food. We got into a conversation of many random things but near the end of lunch, we started talking about hosting a back-to-school party, and everyone agreed that we should do it. We then decided to meet up at one of the Cafe's close to the level 1 builds after our last class.

Classes seemed to be going so slowly, but once they were all done I walked out of the level 1 class building. I headed towards the cafe to meet everyone else. I walk in and see Bianna and the black and silver-tipped banged boy from my TA sitting at a table. 

I walk over in their direction and sit next to Bianna. "Hey," I say. "Hey, girl. go order what you want under my name," Bianna says. "Kay." I get up and walk over to the counter to read the menu and order. 

Once I'm ready, I place my order of a Salted Carmel Latte and a Boston cream doughnut. Once I come back to the table, I see the rest of us are here.

We got talking right away about the back-to-school party. "we should have the party at the end of the week," Marella suggests. We all agree on that. With more further planning, we decide to host the party at the gazebo in the center of the level 1 area. Dex was going to be the DJ because he was really good at creating mixed playlists, and he also has some of the equipment that's needed. Me, Bianna, Marella, and Linh were in charge of the decorations. Fitz, Keefe, and Tam were in charge of getting the food and drinks. 

During the school days before the party, we passed out flyers and invited people to come and enjoy. We had already had decorations in our dorm because Bianna was already planning on planning parties this year. After we finished class the day before the party, Bianna dragged all of us to the mall to go shopping for a new outfit for the party. 

"Come on Sophie just try the stupid outfit on," Linh said. They were trying to get me to try on a gold tank top, black jean shorts, a white hoodie, and gold sandals even though they know I'm super clumsy. "Uhhg. Fine," I say trying it on. Once I come back out they all agree that this is the outfit for me to wear at the party.

~Time Skip to the day of the party~

It's the day of the party and I'm getting dressed. Once I've changed into my outfit, they grab me and sit me down at the vanity chair to do my hair and makeup. Once they're done, I look in the mirror and see an entirely different girl looking back at me. I have gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner, peach lip gloss, and some blush. They braided my hair on both sides.

"Ohh my gosh," Bianna says, "We did so good girls

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"Ohh my gosh," Bianna says, "We did so good girls." "I know," Linh and Marella said at the same time. "Thank you guys," I say hugging them all at the same time.

~Time skip to 6(the time of the party)~

"Hey yo, everyone. Welcome to the back-to-school ParTay," Dex says, "Let's get this party started." He starts up the music and a lot of people start dancing. I'm standing by the food table. I don't really feel like dancing at the time.

~Time Skip to half an hour later~

"Hey, Foster." I hear a voice I recognize say next to me. "Hey, Keefe. What's up." "Nothin much. Just wanted to see what you were doing."

We got talking. It was nearing the end of the party when Keefe asks, "Hey, Foster do you want to go on a date?" I was so shocked. Once I was able to come back to my senses I answer, "Yes." "Okay how about I pick you up on Friday at 5?" "Sure," I say casually trying to sound calm even though on the inside I was freaking out. 

a/n: hey guys. I know this chapter is short, but I hope you enjoyed it.


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