Chapter 8

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a/n: sorry for taking so long to update.


I drive us back to the Foxfire Level 1 campus and walk Foster to the girls' dorm building. "Thanks for the date, Keefe. I really had fun. I think it's the most fun I've had in years." "Me too." "I hope it can happen again. Good night, Keefe," She says. "Night Foster."

~Time skip to 2 and a half months later~

Keefe's POV

After that first date, me and Foster have been going on dates whenever our school schedule allows us to. My father has given me calls like that at least once a week, but with Foster, she has been able to help me through the pain. I'm hoping to ask her to be my boyfriend. I don't have any idea how she is going to answer but who knows.

I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend at the picnic we are planning on having during lunch today. I have everything set up and planned out. All we have to do is wait for lunch.

~time skip to lunch~

The bell for the end of my class before lunch rings. I grab all my stuff, walk out of my classroom, down the hall, and outside to our meeting spot, the big oak tree in the center of the level 1 campus. 

I start walking over in that direction of the tree and see Foster sitting there waiting for me to meet her. I finish walking the distance and offer my hand to help her up. She accepts it and I pull her up.

"I have to stop by my dorm room to grab the picnic stuff. You can leave your stuff there if you want?" I say as we start walking towards the boys' dorm building. "Okay. Thanks," She says smiling at me.

Once we drop our bags off and grab the picnicking stuff, we take the elevator down to the level 1 parking garage and walk to my car. I unlock the car and put the picnicking stuff in the back. Foster gets in the passenger seat, and I get in the front, start the car, and drive out heading towards a park nearby.

When we make it to the park, I get out, grab the stuff, and help Foster out of the car. "Thanks," She says. "Your welcome, Foster." 

We walk towards one of the only living panake trees. It sits on the edge of a lake. The lake has crystal clear water. There's a cave behind the waterfall. People say that the water and the panake blossoms combined have healing properties, but it has never been proven.  We like to come here whenever we're stressed or just want to hang out. The tree's named Calla. I don't know why people named the tree Calla, but I have the idea it has to do with the famous gardener who first rediscovered the panake tree after we thought it was extinct for hundreds of years if not thousands. 

We spread out the blanket under the tree facing the waterfall. "Do you want to go swimming or eat first?" I ask. "Eat. I'm starving." I open the basket and take out sandwiches, blitzenberry muffins, custard bursts, and bottles of lushberry juice. She grabs one of the sandwiches and bottles of lushberry juice. We start eating. We have small talk. 

Eventually, once we're done eating and have waited half an hour, we change into our swimsuits and get into the water.

Eventually, once we're done eating and have waited half an hour, we change into our swimsuits and get into the water

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The water is soothing against my skin

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The water is soothing against my skin. I lean back and start floating. After a few minutes, Foster finally gets into the water. I look up and see the swimsuit she is wearing. "Nice swimsuit, Foster." "Thanks. Biana picked it out," she says. "Not surprised." It definitely looks like something that Biana would pick out for Foster to wear. We play in the water for an hour before we finally get out. We spread out on the blanket to use the sun to dry off. We don't have to rush because the teachers gave us the rest of the day off.

Finally, I get the courage to ask Foster. "Hey, Foster?" "What is it, Keefe?" "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" She sits there for a moment in shock then the next thing I know her arms are wrapped around my neck with her saying, "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. I've been waiting for you to ask me," Foster said as she laughed. 

~Time Skip~

I drop Foster off at her dorm room then walk back over to mine. Once I get there I head up to my room and get set up for doing another drawing youtube video.(a/n: idk if you remember but I said Keefe has a youtube channel. on that channel he teaches people how to draw and does speed drawing and some singing videos.) My followers are probably waiting for another live stream. While streaming I notice a username that looks like it might be Foster's account. The name was LadyFOSBoss❤️. 

I finish the live stream, go downstairs to eat dinner, come back upstairs, take a shower, and start think about all that happened today the major one being that Sophie Foster is now my girlfriend.

a/n: sorry for taking so long. I was battling doing schoolwork and figuring out what was going to happen in this chapter. but I hope you still enjoyed it.


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