5 | for you and oreo millshakes

Start from the beginning

"Didn't feel like going. I'm dealing with some things right now."

"Oh," he says simply, loss for words. I don't think this was how he expected the interaction to go but I had no energy to entertain anything. I sighed deeply and I watched as hurt seeps into his expression. That's when hesitance hit me; I didn't want to make him upset.

"Is it because of me?" he asks me, searching my face. "Did I do something?"

"No," I admit grimly. "I'm seriously not in the mood right now. Anyways, you can have The Edge to yourself for the next few days."

I didn't feel like stargazing. I didn't feel it anymore.

"Layla, what's wrong?" He asks me, those green eyes still on me. I ignore his question.

"Kayden, why are you actually here?"

"You are my only friend here in this town, I really don't know anyone else," He admits. "It gets boring very easily when there is nothing to do or anyone to talk to."

I felt bad. It was true, he only had me.

And I only had him.

I sighed.

"You're really distracting, Kayden," I exhale making him look at me with raised brows.

"I would think it was a compliment but your face tells me otherwise."

I ignore him, "Okay."


"Okay," I repeated.

"Seriously, Lays, what's wrong?"


"Stop worrying your pretty little head. I assume you're reading into a situation too much," he advises.

"That's not true," I huffed. "I have this essay I'm working on, and you're distracting me. English class is all about reading into situations, if anything; I'm on the right track."

"Here, let me in; I'll help you," He offered with a kind smile. I look at him realizing how awkward he looks standing by my small window.

His offer was really tempting since I was too lazy to do it on my own. Secretly, I also wanted to see what he would look like standing in the middle of my room. It would definitely be a strange sight.

Too bad I had boundaries.

I shook my head making him groan. "You seriously going to make me stand out here?" he whined making me grin at him.

"Yes," I smiled at him sweetly, "But, you're still going to help me with this essay from there," I told him making him roll his eyes.

"I regret offering my assistance to you."

"Too bad, it's too late now. No takebacks," I grin as I open up the window more so that he has headroom and then I turn to walk up to my desk to get my laptop. I ran over back to my bed, where I talked to him through the window.

"Read what I wrote and tell me if it makes sense," I tell him making him roll his eyes. I pass him my laptop and he balances it by the window. I hold it from the back, making sure it doesn't fall.

"You're lucky I got both the looks and the brains," he says looking up at me with a playful expression.

"Wow lucky me," I said sarcastically.

"Yes, lucky you," he responded with a smirk, his green eyes twinkling. It becomes silent as he reads the nonsense I wrote on the Google doc. Despite knowing how teasing he was, I desperately prayed he wouldn't tease me for what I wrote because I didn't think I was in the mood for those jokes right now. I didn't want to feel any judgment on my writing.

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