36: Forth and Forever Forward

Start from the beginning

I had actually applied to NYU after throwing the idea of becoming a doctor in the trash, because, after giving it some thought, I realized it was my mothers dream for me to become one. With that fact that she ran from home with my father and instantly began working as a full-time housewife and (then later, a mother), she ditched college. She always wanted me to become the doctor she wanted me to be.



Finally lunch rolled around and we were released from the three-hour practice ceremony. There was less students than usual at the pavilion, maybe because it was the last day of school and they just didn't come.

I felt weird, though. All the seniors were wearing formal wearing and the rest of the lowerclassmen were wearing there normal clothes they usually wear every day.

We all sat with lunch that was actually decent for once, because it was the last day of school and they like putting something special together on special occasions.

I was torn from my thoughts by a weight on my shoulders. "Hey," Jacob said with a smile as he got settled on the seat beside mine then kissed me quickly when no one was looking because they still hadn't let us live down the certain kiss before prom, except for Jesse and Alex because of what we walked into. Though, even after that night, they're not a couple yet. The both were too embarrassed to talk to each other.

Who would of thought that I would be sitting, kissing, Jacob, a guy who I devoted my life to avoid? With his friends?

Then it was like everything hit me like a brick.

This would be the last lunch at this table I would have with this lot. After today, I wouldn't be coming back here after the summer's over. My locker wouldn't be my locker anymore (reminds me: I have to clean it out of any trash). After graduation, I would officially not be a student here anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" Jacob said, pulling me and my thoughts apart once again.

I smiled and leaned into him with his arm still around me. "Just thinking about how much I'll miss this place," I whispered and hugged his arm to me because although his arm was muscle, it was still comfortable for me.

"Do you have to sit next to him?" Jacob whined like a child. At this, I chuckled. You see, because my names started with W, I was at the near end of the class. Though, that wasn't the problem Jacob had. It was the fact that Aiden also had a last name beginning with W (his last name was Woods), and there was no one with the last name starting with a W and the second letter of J, K, L, M, or N. I don't know if you remember, but I made a promise with Jacob that I wouldn't talk with Aiden in front of him. It was just a good thing we were in the back of the crowd, or else Jacob would glare at the back of Aiden's head the whole time.

I laughed. "It's not like I have a choice, Jacob."

He placed his hand on my knee from under the table. "Is your leg alright?" he asked, looking down after thinking about my answer and coming to the fact that I was right.

I had gone to the hospital for a checkup two days ago and they had taken off the cast because my leg was now fully healed but it was still aching a bit. I was just thankful it was off in time for graduation and I wouldn't have to climb the stairs with the crutches.

Right now, it wasn't aching, though. "It's fine," I assure and took a fry from my plate.

Jacob gave me a pleading look as he gazed at my plate. He had food too, but the fries had run out before he got here. Lucky for him though, I was in a good enough mood to share with him. I picked out a decent sized fry and held it out to him, but got the point he wanted me to feed it to him when he didn't reach for it and made the gesture by biting down on his teeth.

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