While walking to the other end of the space, I notice out of my peripheral that there are some people with those big proffessional cameras taking pictures of me with the burning builing in the background. I look over to them and wave a two-fingered salute in their direction while smirking.

Never in my life have I been so glad that I'm wearing something vaguely nice. I say that, and it's just overly ripped black jeans and a light purple shirt with one of Remus' black oversized hoodies clinging loosely to my frame, but I think it'll look good in any pictures that come out of this.

I want people to know about this - about us. All this shit that's gone on our whole lives has been covered up so perfectly by the government that it's scary. Sure, the general public know we exist. They know we're illegal, they know we're "dangerous".

But, the only thing I've ever seen the internet say is that we just live seperately from 'normal' members of society. No mention of the fucking years of torture every single one of us who managed to get caught was put through.

So, yeah. I really hope the truth comes out. That would be another small victory, I think.

Dr Berry sees me walking over and gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen, and - to be honest, it makes me almost laugh.
"Ah! You're the young man I was just being told about." The police offer steps aside so that the three of us are no stood in a triangle for better conversation opportunity.

"Good or bad 'being told about'?" I smile, leaning against the brick wall.
"Good, I'd say. Dr Berry was telling me how you helped get all the kids out just now, weren't you?"

My eyes dart towards him and back to the officer in suspicion. "Yeah, I was." He smirks slightly.

"Such a shame that the people working here didn't make it, don't you think?"
"..Yeah." I reply, looking back over to where everyone else is talking to that same man from earlier.

Then, the policeman walks away to speak to some others.
"You're going to pay for this one way or another, I hope you know that." Dr Berry says, making strong eye contact with me.

I don't respond for a moment.

"The truth always comes out, V. You remember that, hm?"

I'm left standing on the rough concrete as he walks away. I'm sure it's nothing.



"Hey, V?" Turning around, I seeing Janus behind me, running a hand through his hair as he speaks.
"They, uh- They're gonna put most of the kids in foster care. That's what they said, atleast."

While personally, I would've prefered not to put these kids into the foster system, I suppose that anything is better than the lab.
Actually, I take that back. I don't suppose anything is better, I know anything would be better than what we've been through.

"What about us?" I ask, looking sceptically to the rest of the group on the playground. Janus' hair blows slightly in the wind as he stares up to the building and the excessive flames spilling out of the windows.

"They said we're free to go. Since we're over sixteen, we're too old to be rehomed or anything. The government guy said something or other about giving us a house in exchange for following some rules, but I wasn't really listening if I'm honest. Logan'll tell us later, I'm sure." 


For a few minutes of silence, we stand, staring up at the burning building and all that sorrounds us. The kids, smiling. The news crews. The open sky.

At some point during this moment we've shared, the other four have ended up here beside us. The six of us stand alone as police cars drive off and kids file into groups. Remus looks at me and smiles.

"So, what do we do now?" Roman asks, laughing slightly at the end of his sentence as if the idea of doing whatever we want is slightly comical.

"I guess we make the most of what we've gained."  I reply.

"And what's that?"


The End.


Wow. I guess that's it, huh? Well, of course that isn't really it, since I've got a sequel planned, but this is making me emotional. I started this book almost a year ago, and it's taken me so far. Thank you all so much for that.

I'll be posting the epilogue as soon as I post this, so you should go read that now, since it hints at the sequel!

Once I've posted the sequel, I'll add a chapter to this to let you know.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to you personally, for reading this. Even if you don't vote or comment, the fact that you're reading this means so much to me.

And so, for the last time of 56 chapters,

Stay safe!

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